In house roasting.


New member
Mar 24, 2004
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I'm buying an established coffee bar and considering doing my own roasting sometime in the near future. I've located a few sources for small roasters but not familiar with the brands and their reliability/user friendliness. Does anyone have suggestions or experience in this arena?
Call Terry at ambex...I have used them alot on smaller roasters
Contact Dave at I purchased a roaster from him, any one can use it after just a couple of simple instructions. This is a fluid bed type. :?
sigh..... :roll: fluid bed roaster :evil:
fluid bed vs. drum

could anyone compare and contrast the two styles of roaster.

Thank you.
I am not an roastmaster I lack the talent, however I have found a way to roast coffee that I am 100% satisfied with quality and consistancy. I am using the small batch fluid bed type. There are positive points about both types.
I might suggest that you contact Greg St. John at Diedrich Roasters, his number is toll free 1-877-263-1276. They also hold roasting classes throughout the year. Great classes, very interesting and if memory serves me correctly it only costs about $150 per person for 2-3 days. Tell him Sean sent you. I can definately vouge for them I called them enough times when we first started up, and they never hesitated to assist me no matter how dumb the question was. :grin:

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