Interesting Coffee Facts/Trivia???


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Mar 17, 2008
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I''m looking to get some fun facts/trivia about coffee. I am helping a friend produce a feature film about the Marley family coffee company and we need som interesting coffee facts. One example of one we''ve found that we like is, \"People who buy coffee primarily at drive through windows on their way to work will spend as much as 45 hours a year waiting in line.\" and another one, \"It is estimated that more than 100 million Americans drink a total of 350 million cups of coffee a day.\" If you have any others you would like to share it would be much appreciated! :D
You would have to drink around 6.5 gallons of coffee in one sitting to get enough caffeine to die from an overdose.

Reminds me of the red dye days of M&M's! :twisted:
From Physical Geography
By Mary Somerville, 1854

The earlier history of the C. tree is not very clear. It was not known to the Greeks or Romans; but in Abyssinia and Ethiopia it has been used from time immemorial; and in Arabia it was certainly in use in the 15th c., and over the rest of the east in the 16th century. Towards the end of the 17th c., it was carried from Mocha to Batavia by Wieser, a burgomaster of Amsterdam, where it was soon extensively planted, and at last young plants were sent to the botanical garden at Amsterdam, from which the Paris garden obtained a tree. A layer of this was carried out to Martinique in 1720, where it succeeded so well, that in a few years all the West Indies could be supplied with young trees.

The employment of C. as a beverage was introduced from Arabia, in the 16th c.,into Egypt ana Constantinople. Leonhard Rauwolf, a German physician, was probably the first to make C. known in Europe, by the account of his travels printed in 1573. Soon after the first introduction of C., COFFEE-HOUSES arose almost everywhere. The first in Europe was established in Constantinople in 1551. In London, the first coffeehouse was opened in Newman's court, Cornhill, in 1652, by a Greek named Pasquet. This Greek was the servant of an English merchant named Edwards, who brought some C. with him from Smyrna, and whose house, when the fact became known, was so thronged with friends and visitors to taste the new beverage, that to relieve himself from annoyance, Edwards established his servant in a coffee-house. The first coffee-house in France was opened at Marseilles iu 1671, and in 1672 there was one opened iu Paris, which soon had several competitors.
Legend has it that a goat herder saw his goats tripping out after eating a berry, he tried it and felt a rush and that's how it all started.

I actually heard 24 straight shots of esspresso is lethal limit in one sitting, I've gotten at least 1/2 way there more than once :P

There are 3 processing methods for coffee beans; dry, semi-washed, and washed.

Arabica coffee beans have only 1/2 the caffeine content compared to Robusta.
Ah its really more posted for fun then for fact. Besides the lethal dose of caffeine runs around 10 to 20 grams. Lets just say for an example your average espresso was 150mg then it would take about 67 shots to hit 10 grams. 134 should polish a person off. Still to put that in perspective, 128 single shots is gallon of coffee. Like we've talked about in other threads, your most likely to die from water intoxication.
How big is a cup of coffee?

A 12 cup coffee maker only makes 12, 5 oz. cups.
A measuring cup is 8 oz.
Most stores sell 10-20 oz cups of coffee.
Hi - maybe these facts will help you:

In Japan, over 10,000 coffee cafes called "Kissaten" serve the consumer demand in just Tokyo alone. Japan is the third highest coffee consuming nation in the world today.

Contrary to what most people think, espresso coffee actually contains about 1/3 the caffeine level of a normally brewed cup of coffee. This is partially due to the fact that espresso is typically made using top premium arabica beans.
Hi - maybe these facts will help you:

In Japan, over 10,000 coffee cafes called "Kissaten" serve the consumer demand in just Tokyo alone. Japan is the third highest coffee consuming nation in the world today.

Contrary to what most people think, espresso coffee actually contains about 1/3 the caffeine level of a normally brewed cup of coffee. This is partially due to the fact that espresso is typically made using top premium arabica beans.

Very interesting on the espresso fact. I will take two then :D
Ofcourse. Robustas have more caffaine then Arabica. Also, did you know Japanese and Koreans actually willing to pay over 20 dollars or more for good cup of coffee? That is CRAZY in my opinion.
Now that sounds like a fix to me. Or is that a rip off?

When my wife goes to Starbucks and orders a venti latte for $4.13 I grind my teeth.
My coffee gets cold too quickly! I have 4 kids running me around all morning and every time I turn around my coffee is cold or it gets knocked over!! :( I have tried the warming plates and they are just too dangerous around my kids and dogs. I just ordered a "Mug Hugger" It has been SUCH a life saver!!! I ordered mine from It is so easy to use and I had my kids decorate it for me, But not only did it keep my coffee warm it stabilized my mug so no wore spills!!!! :)
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