Is just good coffee enough or espressor a must?


New member
Nov 11, 2005
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Hi--my husband and I are moving our gallery in a very small, but increasingly touristy town to a gallery/coffee shop across the street. Wanna do it right but don't have much cashola yet--is serving really good "regular" coffee--regular, decaf plus good teas/chai--enough to get started or do most of your customers prefer the espresso, cappucino, lattes? (No one in town will no what to do with a cappucino, I'm thinking, but we do get lots of tourists from Mpls, Chicago, Des Moines, Milwaukee summer-fall. We're not yet coffee connossiurs ourselves, but love coffee shops. We'll also serve locally made muffins, scones, pie? And any suggestions on something chocolate we should offer? Thanks!
Most coffee shops serve a great drip in addition to their specialty coffees. I don't do drip, but have a lot of customers who ask for it. I think (personally) that you'll do fine with a great drip- maybe a dark, light & flavored and keep in the airpots. Try & see & if you then see the need for espresso, you'll know whether or not the investment will be worth it.
Must Have

My highly suggest that you get the espresso machine, you can get a great new two group fully automatic machine for $4000 - $5000 you coffee supplier will provide you with all your other coffee equipment and pay help you purchase the espresso machine.

you don't have to be a coffee snob but you will be better off in the long run.

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