Java Chips Mocha Frapuccino (new from Starbucks)

coffeetology girl

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Jun 12, 2006
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I like Starbucks because they usually serve new coffee drinks every now and then. Have you heard of Starbuck's new Frapuccino called Java Chips? It replaced the faced out Rhumba Frapuccino.

Java Chips Mocha Frapuccino taste like a regular Mocha Frapuccino with small bits and shredded java chips. Since the java chips don’t melt, they don’t alter the taste of mocha frapuccino; they just add texture and sweetness to the product making this iced blended drink very very sweet and chocolate. We rate it 3 stars.
weird, i''m in seattle and don''t ever remember the java chip frap not ever being on the menu since fraps started way way bach when.

i see your in Manila. Philippines?

never heard of the rhamba frap.
