Hello. I tried making a cup of coffee today using my coffee grinder and the my k-cup attachement. I used the finest grind on my grinder and filled the filter almost full. The flavour is a bit bitter. Any suggestions?
What kind of coffee are you using and have you tried it with less (i.e. don't fill to the top)?
I've been using the filter for a while now and once I got the grind down right, my coffee comes out fine. I use home roasted coffee mostly from Panama, Costa Rica and (when I can get it) Venezuela.
Prior to getting the grind right, my coffee was coming out too weak but that doesn't seem to be your problem. It must be the type of coffee you are using or your machine isn't getting the water hot enough.
Cut open an un-brewed k-cup that you like, and copy the grind and fill level for your my-k-cup. The too bitter taste is likely too fine a grind. It could also be the coffee you are using. Sometimes stale coffee tastes bitter, paste-like, murky, spongy and dull.