Looking for advice on starting a coffee shop?


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Mar 31, 2015
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Howdy Folks

As the subject says, I'm looking for advice on starting a coffee shop. I read lots of posts over the last few days and i'm still soaking it all in.

My original idea for my shop was to build a gaming cafe, basically a place where people can come and play non-video games from monopoly to dungeons & dragons, selling the greatest coffee around along with plenty of snacks, and also sodas too. Not so much a "grab and go" kind of coffee shop, more like hang out and sip kind of place. I've kind of came to the conclusion though that a bunch of folks coming in to just play and leave will probably not be enough to pay the rent and I'd be better off getting the coffee shop up and running first as the main focus and offer game nights here and there to see how it goes.

Question is, does anyone around here do this or know of anything similar? Any thoughts or ideas?

Also, does anyone recommend Crimson Cup? I shared some emails with them, and ordered their book about starting a shop. They seem nice and helpful, but I don't want to get roped into paying some crazy hidden consulting fee or something like that. What I would hope to do is actually get coffee from lots of different roasters. There's a few right here in Philly, but I'd also like to be able to get some beans the locals might not be able to find anywhere else.

Last question, is this a bad business to get into if you're not a morning person? :)
Welcome Timk

I like your idea, the gaming crowd (magic: The Gathering) peeps are into candy and soda. I am sure there is some room for something new.
Here in South Florida, the Coffee Shops with success, all start with having Good Coffee. The Coolness Factor should not be overlooked. Location and Service IS important. What is the "Coolness" factor. Well a combination of things, but basically a place where you can get your coffee and drink same in a relaxed somehwhat chill atmosphere, conducive for chat and conversations, with possible Green Space or the like, the right background music, the WI-FI connection and electrical connections, and hip Décor. Basically anything on top of that , which may be geared to a specific local or general interest would probably be a good idea. I would think that you would be ok with the latest and trendiest games that may go with the new trendy Coffee Shops. Of course, exceptional Fresh Coffee Cake and pastries and the like, as well as additional "healthier side items" could add to revenue and keep people happy and coming back for more. Again, I think, Good Coffee will always be the starting point. Having said all of this, in Business there are no guarantees, nevertheless, careful Evaluation of Market Conditions, Knowledge and Education in the subject of the Business, Hard Work and dedication, having a good Product and Service, Location, and yes Luck, are all necessary ingredients, for possible future success. Good Luck.
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