Looking for the BEST Iced Cap Recipe


New member
Jul 14, 2006
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Hey everyone!

I used to live in Tulsa, OK and there was a shop called Gold Coast. They made the BEST freakin' iced caps around. I make vietnamese coffee here at home a lot and it tastes similar, so I know it had sweetened condensed milk in it, but the color isn't the same and there's just that little "something" missing. Sooooo, I decided to ask everyone what their favorite recipes for Iced caps are. I like 'em sweet!

Thanks! :-D
iced caps

They may have been using toddy. Its a cold brewed coffee that retains its flavor alot better but it is kinda a pain to make compared to Viet.Coffee...go and ask them they will probably tell you.
Well, the shop closed before I moved here to Missouri. :( :( :(

I've been dreaming of it ever since. But what is toddy?

Well there are several different methods of making it. Basicaly you take a bunch of ground coffee and put it in a permeable sack. You then soak it in a set amount of water for many(48 or so)hours. It leaches more of the flavor out and it tends to seperate less than a hot brewed coffee. Lots of shops add cinnamon(sp?) or some other spice to it. There will probably be several posts on CF that have good recipes. There are also home toddy makers I believe but I have never looked into it.

Usualy Viet./Thai coffee is made with an instant coffee grind...I love the stuff but it is like crack...will drink it down in one gulp(mmm...condensed mild and orange sweetness with coffee). Not too sure it would work in a less sweet drink like iced capps or iced coffee.

Somebody help me out here. I never made toddy at home...only by the 5 gal.batch.
Hey! I found the answer to a similar question so maybe i can help! Ok so iced cappuccinos never work because along with the iced espresso you need cold foam! In the links below another member of this forum explains how to make Cappuccino Freddo's, which is basically yea iced cappuccino's, Maybe it will help!


To make the cold foam you need a handheld milkshake stirrer, they're about 20 bucks but htey're veryy hard to find. I don't know if you've heard of a store called kitchen kapers? I have seen them there!

Good luck!!!! :)
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