Looking for used 3-5kg roaster - located in BC, Canada


New member
Mar 6, 2017
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Trying to make the classic "step up" in production from my 1kg roaster (which I am quickly out growing) - being newer to the business, finances ARE an issue! I started hobby roasting, and am now partnering with a local shop and moving my operation onsite in the coming months. Although the 1kg will be sufficient to service the shop to start, I am hoping to continue expanding into other whole-sale opportunities.

Looking for a used, fully functioning, ready to use LNP roaster in the 3-5kg ball park for around or under $9000 CAD (hopefully all in with shipping, etc). I would be willing to travel if it's located within 3 hours of Vancouver, Canada. I am not set on a particular brand, and more concerned about quality of build, service history, and general functionality (i.e. tracking options, speed controls, etc.). I would prefer to view and test the functioning unit prior to purchase. This would also be great in terms of getting a tutorial!
I have a Toper 2,5 kg for 6,500$ CAD+shipping* (the price included wooden crate)
It comes with C.S.A approved, chaff collector and it is fully cleaned
If you want pictures, additional options or you have any questions please inbox.
*The approximation shipping fee is : 750$CAD

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