I got my Delonghi EC270 a month ago, and have been making espresso every morning. So far, I have used only Starbucks coffees to make the espresso (I take the new bag into a local sbux, and ask them to grind)
Sumatra Siborong-Borong
Organic Ethiopia Yirgacheffe
Pike Place Roast
I bought some of these while I was in Europe a month ago, as they're not available in Korea, where I live now. I was told that Espresso Roast was meant for espresso machines, but I haven't tried it yet.
I really enjoyed Sumatra Siborong-Borong, it was a real treat every morning. I expected something bitter then first time I made it, but was pleasantly surprised.
I'm wondering what kind of beans others use to make espresso. Is there a "right" bean to use for making espresso, that I'm not aware of? Is this weird that I'm using all kinds of beans to make espresso?
Thoughts? Opinions?
Sumatra Siborong-Borong
Organic Ethiopia Yirgacheffe
Pike Place Roast
I bought some of these while I was in Europe a month ago, as they're not available in Korea, where I live now. I was told that Espresso Roast was meant for espresso machines, but I haven't tried it yet.
I really enjoyed Sumatra Siborong-Borong, it was a real treat every morning. I expected something bitter then first time I made it, but was pleasantly surprised.
I'm wondering what kind of beans others use to make espresso. Is there a "right" bean to use for making espresso, that I'm not aware of? Is this weird that I'm using all kinds of beans to make espresso?
Thoughts? Opinions?