Max Traffic


New member
Mar 18, 2005
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My wife and I are planning on opening our first drive thru shop. We're negotiating for a location with a traffic count of approximately 40k. I'm trying to determine what we can expect for traffic through our shop. If we use the .5% to 1.5% numbers we've seen here we get some pretty good sales figures. I'm concerned, however, about our ability to actually move that many customers through our shop. We realize that during the rush hours there is going to be a maximum number of customers that we will be able to serve regardless of the amount of traffic flow. Does anyone out there have any information on how many customers we can expect to move through a double-sided drive thru shop in an hour??? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Drive thru Traffic Max Production

That depends on several factors:

1. Barista Expereince
2. Product Mix (bender drinks v. Espresso Drinks)
3. Equipment (semi v super espresso machines)
4. Production area layout (ergonomics)

If you really thin that this will be a knock it out of the park location you need to, in my personal view, go with the superautomatic machines. this reduces barista training time, and increases barista throughput. (one barista making 50-60 drinks per hour and one person on register and blender duty). Of course competent, well trainined, and motivated baristas are a must as well.

Ok now the sales pitch: What kind of building are you using?

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