Mazzarino's Cafe in Weston Super MAre - England


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May 7, 2004
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Has anyone ever been to Mazzarino's Cafe in Weston Super MAre, in England? I used to run that place with a buddy of mine from the South of France, man, what a great place. We had a beautiful espresso machine, no drip coffee just espresso drinks. We served up simple meals, and people came in and would sit down, read their paper, stuff like that. It's funny, we were one of the first coffee houses in that town, it's filled with tea houses. SO we never had that "starbucks line ups" in the mornings, just 3 or more people coming in, sitting down, enjoying their coffee and newspaper.. anyway, if there is anybody who's been to this cafe, I would love to hear from you.

yeah, we've thought about opening another cafe, we just don't know where. We have a few new ideas that I think would work really well. Some exciting stuff in the future.,but Like I said we're not sure where we will be doing our next project.
Thanks for the reply
Next venture?

Try either Kerry or Blarney in Ireland. Very few coffee shops (none in Kerry) I think it is virtually untapped!
Lots of German, UK and US visitors year round!
Where abouts in weston is this place???

I live in Bristol and most coffee shops here verge on crap. May have to stop in the next time I'm coming back from an afternon with the family.

Ahh, it's great to hear all these awsome comments, this one is for the chap living in Bristol, um.. I haven't been to Mazzarino's in awhile, its got new owners so I'm not sure what its like. I helped them out a year ago and they just couldn't get it right. So I'm not sure what' going on there. Alot of customers were leaving and that's a shame. I plan on going back there and buying the place, putting it back to how it was when I was there and lowering the prices to when I was there and run it myself for a bit. I want to give back to all the great people who were my customers. I'm currently working on some big projects out here in Canada but as soon as I wrap up here, I think I'm going to do just that. So, actually, you should go and check it out, and email me and let me know what state its in. The cafe is on Orchard street beside an Internet cafe called Action Station. you can email me at

keep the comments coming!
Mazzarino Cafe - Weston Super-Mare

Wow what a small world it is when you look at it through the eyes of the internet. In a fit of naievity I thought to look up a wee cafe that I had been to many a times while in England and based in Locking with friends, during a holiday. I truly thought that I was just being ridiculous and never thought I would actually find something about it! The owner (I think he was the owner) was an angel and made me feel at home in the wee cafe everytime I stepped foot in there. Full of good intentions I got his address and promised to call or write or something when I got back to NZ. Unfortunately I didn't do anything about it and now fear that he has probably moved about sixteen times and I will never be able to say, even now six years later, that I appreciated his hospitality and friendliness. So if anyone knows possibly how I could get hold of the guy it would be great. I think his name was Mark and I am pretty sure he was the owner, I was there in August and September of 1998. It is slightly possible that he may remember me, I was the kiwi girl who started coming in most days and sat at the front and wrote a lot, or at least until Mark scuttled me down to the bar so we could talk. I would sit in there for ages and just chat as people came and went and only really left the place to catch a flight home!
Any info would be great!
I'm sad to say but I think its closed down :( . I took a drive down Orchard street about a month ago, and it didnt see it anywhere. I did a search of the local phone books and yellow pages online and couldn't find any listings Mazzarinos in Weston-Super-Mare. I think it may have become the Saigon restaurant, correct me if im wrong please.

I don't think its the saigon restaurant, I know the one you mean, I'm sure that it was shut down. THe next couple who took over run it into the ground unfortuntely. I would love nothing more than to go back and start it up again. Two things stop of them is that I'm currently in canada and secondly I don't have the money....if anyone wants to partner up and has some cash..I'm thinking it would take between 60-100 thousand.. but if we got a mortgage it might be much less than that. At the time when I was there we had an excellent customer base and it was rising. People used to come from other small towns and eat and drink there. We could turn into something really special again.

get back to me...
The competition has stepped it up a gear down there now, a place called franks has opened up, and they roast on the premises. From what I've seen they're building a good reputation locally, havn't had a chance to go there yet though, next time I'm in Weston I'll stop by and see what the fuss is about.
Hey you frequent Franks? I read an article he wrote and was wondering what he was saying he uses coffees naturally low in caffeine instead of decaffeinated coffees...if you know him could you ask him what he meant? Or tell him to check out this forum...
I've not yet had the chance to check out Franks, but I do plan on doing so soon. I've got a copy of a trade magazine called broughtons coffee house with an article about the shop and roasting, so I'll have a look in that and see if I can clear it up for you. Did it sound like a robusta vs arabica caffeine thing?
no it was some online article...think he might have written it himself...I wasn't trying to punk him out....just thought he would enjoy this site....I did think it was funny that he said us Yanks use roasting charts and basically stick to them...ummm I have never used a roasting chart for color...
I've had a quick read, and I think we may be readin the same article. The caffeine thing is in there and he says he doesnt like robusta, then goes on to say about low caffeine beans from Brazil Colombia Ethiopia and Java. Did the one you were reading go on about his Probat experience??

Ok i'l hold my hands up :oops: "punk him out" I'll assume that doesn't mean you want to give him a mohawk :lol:
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