Need advice & a name for a coffee shop with a kids play


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Jul 15, 2006
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I had planned on opening these businesses separately, but have been tossing around the thought of squishing it together. I have no idea what to name the place though. I don't want the place to be JUST for kids and moms, I want everyone to feel welcome. I'd also like to display local artists' work and have pastries and such available. Tell me what you think.
Kids N' Coffee

Here's my opinion, for what it's worth...

If you were just to have an area where young kids could play, draw, etc. while the adults had their drinks and could relax, I could see that concept working. If you are talking about making it more like a daycare-ish, McDonald's Playland area, I'm not so sure that would work.

Now keep in mind that I don't have kids of my own (yet), so my opinions are probably skewed towards adults rather than kids. But the details that you provided a very sketchy right now; if I were to see a more detailed business plan about your idea, I could probably be convinced of it working, and working well. I would say that you would have to evaluate if your area could use a facility like what you are proposing, or if it is diluted enough. I could go on, but its a moot point without more details. I do hope that whatever you decide to do, that you are successful!

I agree with the previous post.

When I go to drink coffe the last thing I want to deal with are a bunch of kids running around. I love kids but I thnk I might love coffee more and peace and quite are generaly a requirement. This is not to say that there is not a market there. "Soccer Moms" would love this I think and they can be very loyal customers. There is an iceceam shop(Amy's)here in Austin that did just this and they are raking in the dough. It has a very dog-park feel to it in that the moms and their tag along husbands go there to be seen and to have place where like minded individuals hang out. Just make sure you have some rock-solid liability insurance.

The art, however, may be a real issue. I used to have a hookah bar/coffee shop that did this but we first made the artists sign a waver so we were not responsible for damage caused by the patrons. Our list of artists dwindled down to nothing and many pieces were damaged. I think adding kids to the equation would be the killer unless you can provide a kid free zone which might offend your customers and would be unenforcable(moms don't follow the rules from my experience).

Don't let this discourage you. It sounds like it could be a great idea if you really flesh it out. Give us more details and we would be glad to help.

As to the Name:

Coffee Jitters..or just Jitter's(sounds like a kids name)
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Thanks for your replies. I actually thought this was a pretty silly idea, myself until I googled it and found that there are many coffee shops and even restaurants that have this same idea. I do agree that I probably will not be able to have the atmosphere that I want, though. I knew I'd have to soundproof the place and make it to where it was not completely visible to the regulars. I think that even with just the soccer mom types coming in, that it would make a killing. I know I'd go just to be able to hang out somewhere besides mcdonalds or burger king. The thought's just been flying around in my head. I do appreciate your input. My son had a bday party at a softplay place and everyone loved it. It looks like a place like that would be all profit, besides cleaning supplies, bills, etc. That's why I thought I could open up a play area and rake in the dough (from play to parties) to supply me with the money I'd need to make the coffee shop what it really needed to be. I don't know, though... maybe it's a far stretch. I might possibly just start the play area with snacks and such and a place for the adults to rest and read or whatever and not do the all out coffee shop for the time being... The name jitters is cute. Thanks! :)

had an idea for this as well...
get a two story house location and put the coffee shop/art gallery upstairs w/the kids downstairs. You could hire a lifeguard/baby sitter type of employee and have a TV monitor up stairs as well so they could watch them and feel free to relax. Or make an upstairs deck that overlooks the play area.
Don't worry about getting the standard coffee shop regulars. Eventualy they too grow up and have kids. Parents usualy drink more coffee than they did before they had kids and they tend to get in and get out a lot quicker as well.
Let us know how it works out...what area are yo in?
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The 2 story idea is a good one. I had actually tossed that around with an agent here locally. I was very interested in this 2 story building that had been vacant for more than 3 years. Now I'm told the man is redoing the place and is splitting it up into 3 units. I was also informed that he did not want a "daycare or restaurant" to occupy the place. So there went that idea. The more I've sat on this business idea lately, the more I'm pushing toward a play area with a small pastry/treats section on the side. I'd still serve espresso drinks, but I think the sweet treats would be more appealing to the kiddies :) We'll see how things go. It looks like I'm at square one with my business plan again. Thanks for all of your input! You really have been helpful. God bless! Oh by the way, I'm in nw florida. I'm close to Pensacola.