New Member Here!

Mar 20, 2013
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Hello Everyone! My name is Darryn, I'm a new member and owner of Everything Coffee for Coffee Addicts. If you're on Facebook and you're a lover of coffee, you've probably heard of us! I just wanted to introduce myself and what we're all about! :)

Everything Coffee for Coffee Addicts started as a Facebook page by a couple with a passion for a common interest... coffee! We have expanded so that coffee addicts galore can come together and form a wonderful alliance where there's no need to hang your head in shame for that extra shot of espresso, in fact we encourage it... consider it a Coffeeholic heaven.

Since our founding, we have grown into much more than just "a website". We now feature an online community for coffee lovers to join and be a part of a community of people just like them and lovers of EVERYTHING COFFEE!

In addition to that, we are an online retail store of coffee mugs & products! We know our fans and followers like the back of our hands. A coffee mug shop is what they asked for so a coffee mug shop is what they got! We are now focusing on growing this business and brand to spread the love for a common passion nationwide! We thank you for joining us on the journey and look forward to gaining you as a community member and a customer!
Hello Darryn,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

I may be mistaken, but I have a strong feeling that you're already a member of this forum under a different user name. (MerryMug)

Am I correct? If so, it's okay, but I'm wondering why you're joining again under a new name.

Maybe different person from the site. Whatever the reason is, welcome aboard...
Hi CoffeeJunky,

I guess what made me curious was the name Darryn. I was pretty sure I saw it before.

I remember being very impressed by this young man a couple of years ago when he first joined the Coffee Forum.

I hope I'm right in thinking he's the same person. I can't wait to see what new things he's created.

Same guy, I'm guessing. The seventeen year old who looks like he's 25 and has a girlfriend who looks 28.
I'm not trying ot be mean, I'm serious. Have you seen the photo in question?
I can't find the photo that you're referring to, but I found this one. It says he's really in high school and expects to graduate this year.

Darryn Dunn | LinkedIn

Feel free to comment, Darryn. Is this you?
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He does look younger in the attached photo above than in the one posted of him and his girlfriend awhile back.
Nice to meet Darryn, Welcome to forum.
Do you drink coffee every day.I always have it every day.It is amazing every morning a cup of coffee and enjoy your favorite songs.Does anyone have a feeling this is not.
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Hi all. I am new in this forum and wish to have good time here.
Congrats to me! I am a new member ~ConnieSuer~ as of just about three minutes ago.
Seems like a great site and I look forward to "chatting" with some of you fellow coffee lovers.
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