I wanted to get better coffee at home so I upgraded by gear and educated myself. I still have a lot to learn and hope someone can help me improve my current issue.
Problem: The coffee I'm getting is very weak.
Coffee: Intelligentsia House blend light roast - opened 5 days off roast - First time not buying generic coffee from grocery store. Signed up for classic subscription.
Grind: Baratza Encore set at 13/14
Ratio: 475ml Water and 26.3g coffee ( 1:18 )
Brewer: Breville Percision automatic brewer - Cone basket - Gold setting
I feel like I'm at the recommended settings on everything. Maybe it is just a weak coffee. I would appreciate any advice on how I can improve this brew. Which variable should I change?
I wanted to get better coffee at home so I upgraded by gear and educated myself. I still have a lot to learn and hope someone can help me improve my current issue.
Problem: The coffee I'm getting is very weak.
Coffee: Intelligentsia House blend light roast - opened 5 days off roast - First time not buying generic coffee from grocery store. Signed up for classic subscription.
Grind: Baratza Encore set at 13/14
Ratio: 475ml Water and 26.3g coffee ( 1:18 )
Brewer: Breville Percision automatic brewer - Cone basket - Gold setting
I feel like I'm at the recommended settings on everything. Maybe it is just a weak coffee. I would appreciate any advice on how I can improve this brew. Which variable should I change?