I'm trying to convince my wife that high quality syrup is the way to go. However, as I don't know what I'm talking about, I turn to you, people who might know what they're talking about
We're partial to hazlenut if that makes a difference.
It realy would come down to a personal preference.
I don't like too strong of a flavor in my coffee, so I prefer a well flavored coffee blend over using syrups, Although syrups do have there place in a good drink.
I do not drink flavored coffee..but the difference is that the syrup is just that ...sugar. A lot of people do not like sugar...so they like the flavored coffee beans.
There was a company that made these sprays that you spray on the filter and it would flavor the pot of coffee...it was the same stuff you put on the beans to flavor them...they only promoted it for a short time because there wasn't really a market for it. It is just easier and cheaper for the consumer to buy the coffee already flavored :wink:
Ummmm...nzroaster...1883 does have sugar. I was contemplating using them in the past...syrup was ok....But decided to stick with Monin....better support.
Tell your wife that you are correct. The use of a high quality syrup like 1883 is better than the flavorings that are added to coffee beans for a couple of reasons:
1. Flavors to coffee beans are generally added to cheap/inferior coffee beans to hide their poor quality.
2. The chemicals used to flavor coffee beans can be harmful - the packages containing the "flavors" often come with warning labels.
3. Flavored coffee beans will eventaually ruin your coffee brewing equipment. The "flavors" adhere to your equipment and eventually damage the mechanical parts of your machine.
Not true...you think they would let us sell flavored coffee without a warning if it was harmfull to the consumer?? :shock: As to cheap/inferior beans that is not correct either...I use high quality beans :wink:
Thanks people. I had the opportunity to try a Monin syrup at the movies yesterday, but my wife chickened out. I read the bottle and the first ingredient was sugar anyway.
Why the heck to manufacturers assume we need to be lead by the hand? I'll add, or not add, my own sugar, thanks. Perhaps the flavors need to be carred in a medium, so sugar water is it?
Maybe I'll try to find hazlenut extract instead...
If you can tell me that the flavorings you use for your coffee beans don't have chemicals and a warning label on them, id ask you to tell me what manufacturer you use.
You may use quality beans, but a lot of roasters and nearly ALL of the large commercial roasters will buy cheaper beans and set them aside for use as their flavored coffee beans.