Oniony taints


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Nov 24, 2006
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Hi all, I have a question. In the resent past, I have had a couple batches that had a onion hint in the aftertaste, in my Colombian. I no longer have it (Thank God), but am curious as to what causes this. The only thing I have done different was increased airflow a little bit. Could this have been the answer or was it something that changed that I did not notice? Anyone......Thanks
Hmmm......... never heard of that. But is there something going wrong with ur brewing system? For me, I got some extra and uncomfortable taste and aftertaste in the coffee when using my very first dripper....... But it never happened after brewing with it a few more times.
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OK I dont claim to fully understand cupping and how the palete recognizes different taints, flavors aromas yada yada. But the onion was a very brief whisper like taste, but it was NOT pleasant. In the cupping form from Roast Mag one of the flavor taints is oniony, and that is the closest referance I can come up with. Now I did start useing a french press and my coffee has inproved about, say oh..., a thousand percent. :wink: But the flavor is gone also in the drip (which I only use to fill the thermos when Im in a hurry). :shock: I dont know, I was just wondering if it was the bean, roast, pot or just a fluke. Well thanks for your response have a great one......PS looking at the notes, the taste was not there in the cupping after the roast. So it could be the pot hmmmm, I hate mysteries.