Pitchfork Coffee Roasters (+Shipping question for those online sellers)


New member
Feb 6, 2015
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After a few weeks of messing around with designers I finally have a website for my small batch roastery. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me any feedback (good or bad!)


My question is:
Those of you doing online sale: Are you charging a flat fee? Calculating shipping?

Currently I am using EasyPost to calculate shipping on a 12.6 oz bag (about 3.68/package).

If I sell more than 1 bag I am simply charging the same 3.68 but using the slightly more expensive flat rate envelope to fit up to 3 in.

Am i doing this the best way? Are there better shipping options then USPS?
hi pitchfork.
just checked your web.
First, the good : classy, nice & simple design.
and the BAD : there are quite a few I would like to or need to mention, but I will just say few most important ones.

a. This ain't your grand dad's coffee.
this is your slogan and your following sub-slogan is : small batch roasted artisan coffee.


what is your coffee? which country, what varietal, what process, how it was roasted, ????
14.99 for 12 oz : this is not cheap, nor very expensive, but are you selling roasted coffee? ground coffee?

you really need to study other well known "artisan coffee" on-line seller website and try to do it similar but better way.

b. selling only one coffee? that is really limiting your customers. you need to sell at least 8 different types of coffees to give more options to customers.

c. there are a lot more, but if you started studying about other websites, you will know what I am trying to say. and if you want some more info, please PM or email me [email protected]

to say frankly, if someone is looking to buy small batch roasted artisan coffee, I do not think that they will buy from your website. (sorry to say, but that is the truth)
so, no need to worry about shipping matter.

however, to start, USPS might be the only option for you. USPS provide few different size package options and pricing. you can check out the size (oz) of each packaging and how much it cost. please do not try to make profit out of shipping. customers are smart and they will see through you. so, please charge very honest shipping charges. also, if customers buy certain q'ty/amount, you can provide free shipping which is incentive and small marketing for your business.

alex from Ensoluna
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hi pitchfork.
just checked your web.
First, the good : classy, nice & simple design.
and the BAD : there are quite a few I would like to or need to mention, but I will just say few most important ones.

a. This ain't your grand dad's coffee.
this is your slogan and your following sub-slogan is : small batch roasted artisan coffee.


what is your coffee? which country, what varietal, what process, how it was roasted, ????
14.99 for 12 oz : this is not cheap, nor very expensive, but are you selling roasted coffee? ground coffee?

you really need to study other well known "artisan coffee" on-line seller website and try to do it similar but better way.

b. selling only one coffee? that is really limiting your customers. you need to sell at least 8 different types of coffees to give more options to customers.

c. there are a lot more, but if you started studying about other websites, you will know what I am trying to say. and if you want some more info, please PM or email me [email protected]

to say frankly, if someone is looking to buy small batch roasted artisan coffee, I do not think that they will buy from your website. (sorry to say, but that is the truth)
so, no need to worry about shipping matter.

however, to start, USPS might be the only option for you. USPS provide few different size package options and pricing. you can check out the size (oz) of each packaging and how much it cost. please do not try to make profit out of shipping. customers are smart and they will see through you. so, please charge very honest shipping charges. also, if customers buy certain q'ty/amount, you can provide free shipping which is incentive and small marketing for your business.

alex from Ensoluna

Awesome feedback! I was so wrapped up in packaging, and design, and licensing and all the other stuff I completely forgot to explain where my coffee actually comes from, how my roasting method differs from others, etc.

Thank you again.

Why do you say "frankly, if someone is looking to buy small batch roasted artisan coffee, I do not think that they will buy from your website."? That's a very interesting choice of words. Are you saying those people will not buy from the website because of the things you mentioned or because the customer looking for that specific item would not normally buy it online?
Awesome feedback! Why do you say "frankly, if someone is looking to buy small batch roasted artisan coffee, I do not think that they will buy from your website."? That's a very interesting choice of words. Are you saying those people will not buy from the website because of the things you mentioned or because the customer looking for that specific item would not normally buy it online?

they WILL buy from your website only if you can explain "about the coffee 100%" like I have mentioned and also you can roast and sell very good coffee, in true manner. Freshness, honest pricing + shipping cost, and simply good coffee are the keys to the website sales along with complete info on the coffee .
Awesome feedback! I was so wrapped up in packaging, and design, and licensing and all the other stuff I completely forgot to explain where my coffee actually comes from, how my roasting method differs from others, etc.

Thank you again.

Why do you say "frankly, if someone is looking to buy small batch roasted artisan coffee, I do not think that they will buy from your website."? That's a very interesting choice of words. Are you saying those people will not buy from the website because of the things you mentioned or because the customer looking for that specific item would not normally buy it online?

BTW, when your web is really UP with all the proper information, please email me or PM me your website.
I would like to be the very first customer to buy and try out your coffee.
that is my promise to you.
thanks and best of luck, Pitchfork.

I use USPS Priority Mail for all of my mail orders. The majority of my orders can be taken care of by the Regional Rate A box size. I can fit 4, 12 ounce bags for $5.32. I the distance is greater, I will email the customer with the additional costs. For long distance, the Flat rate boxes are a good deal. I have shipped 14, 12 ounce bags to Utah from Massachusetts with 2 day delivery for $15.
hello Razzo,
i know that most of big coffee internet companies are using Fedex or UPS for their delivery.
I am assuming that when the volume gets big, it would be cheaper to use UPS or Fedex due to huge discount.
do you know how much of volume you have to do in order for UPS/Fedex rate to get cheaper than USPS?

that would be interesting to know.

The discount rate is all based on shipping volume. As a small roaster, I would not qualify for any discounts but once you move up to the 500-1000 packages a day UPS/FedEx will discount and compete against each other. It is a very competitive business. You can always set up a call with UPS/FedEx and see what they can do for you. You may be surprised.

BTW, thank you for providing good information on the organic/fair trade coffee. I heard the same things from a co-worker from Ethiopia.

The discount rate is all based on shipping volume. As a small roaster, I would not qualify for any discounts but once you move up to the 500-1000 packages a day UPS/FedEx will discount and compete against each other. It is a very competitive business.You can always set up a call with UPS/FedEx and see what they can do for you. You may be surprised.

BTW, thank you for providing good information on the organic/fair trade coffee. I heard the same things from a co-worker from Ethiopia.

thanks for the good info.
also, thank you for reading my postings. It is always good to know that someone agrees on my point of views. Specially organic/fair trade is one of the biggest marketing scheme (which got very successful) in the coffee industry.