Pour over tasting


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Dec 7, 2021
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So I’ve been experimenting for a while trying to dial in the best pour over recipe. As a test I decided to use the recipe I normally do but dial the oxo grinder I am using to 15 (max) and 1 (min). Yes it tastes bitter on over extraction and sour on under. I am using a single origin Peru and Hario V60. Water temp 205 degrees. Even though there is a noticeable fluctuation, I must say I am surprised by how little it actually is. I guess I’m just a little confused because although dialed at about a 7, the coffee does taste the best, it’s not exceedingly undrinkable at either end of the spectrum. Any thoughts and or input and or suggestions as to what I should specifically be looking for in taste in that sweet zone? I was hoping for the over and under extraction to present itself much more defined so I could definitely understand the taste difference. Thanks
I personally use 16:1 with the V60... a lot of folks opt for 15:1 but of course, it will depend on the coffee itself. Make sure your bloom for 30 seconds then brew... I shoot for a total time of 3-3:30 with bloom.