Probatino VS Ambex YM-2 or 5


New member
Apr 4, 2004
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I am new to the coffee roasting business. I am in fact looking to purchase my very first roaster (how great is that?)! I have been doing some research and contacted some roaster manufacturers to get literature on their machines. My operations will require 30Kilo of coffee a week for initial wholesale clients, with room to expand. I just don't know which roaster to settle on. As a new business I don't have an over abundance of cash, but quality is still the main goal.
So the question is Which is better? :-D
A Probatino with a 2lbs capacity? or the American Ambex YM-2 or YM-5? does the Deidrich 3Kilo stand up? :)
I just received my ym2 from ambex...I am using it for blend develpment and sample roasting...I was suprised how well this roaster worked! I mean I have used this company before but this little tiny roasters rocks! oh well...if you have any questions about it drop me a pm.
I just re-read your are going to be going through 30 kilos a week? I am not trying to be a downer but is this going to be your only source of income? 66 pounds of coffee a week is not enough to live off will be paying more for green since you are buying small quantities..even if you get your coffee for under $1.30 a pound plus about .10 for shipping...with shrinkage you are looking at around $140 a pound(and that is being real low on cost of green) will only be making under $150 a week...not including your overhead...well just thought I would touch on this briefly...
the mini roater sounds better than "baby" :shock: roaster....I would figure if you really wanted to pump out some volume you should be able to do over a 150 lbs a day...not including clean up and bagging...I just want him to known that their is going to be some start up costs...he obviously checked out roasters...the beans though can get pricey..depending how many different origins you are going to carry..lets say 6 different ones...thats another 2 grand...then there is a matter of storage for all of this coffee and your roasting site...I am not trying to be an arse...I am just trying to help...hopefully it will work out for you GC and if there is anything I can help you with don't hesitate in dropping me a line.... :grin:
well the are under $6,000...I am an idiot...I do not know how to insert pics of the roaster....oh well...but it is an awsome wee roaster
Yo CG! I finally checked out your website..nice! Your prices are awsome! I aslo like how you blend Kauai with your Kona for your Kona Blend..I hate when people throw in central or south american coffee and destroy the Kona! Also what Ethiopian are you using?
Yes I did...and I do have a should post pics of your roasting operation on your site...people love to see that kind of stuff...It is a nice looking set should post it proudly :wink: