Question about Tea:

Aug 17, 2003
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Not sure if I am posting in the correct section, but here goes... Can any one recommend a good site that sells teas (from around the world) that I can brew. A site that is similar to the sites that we would use to order green beans. Looking for a reliable site that sells good quality teas.

The only site that I can think of is Peet's Coffee & Tea. But, I am sure there are better sites than Peet's.

Thank You.
Go to ebay and do a store search on PJ Tea, I have used them and they have excellent Chinese Teas at reasonable prices. Depending on when you go depends on how many types of tea they have listed.

Lavazza Drinker
James Bond said...

"Coffee, very black! Tea is mud!"

Sometimes; however, I find tea quite soothing. Yang vs. Yin.
Try Urban Blends

My husband's company, Urban Blends, has teas by Numi, Choice and Tazo. They have Tazo tins, which are bulk tea with a neat little diffuser built in the top - makes a good gift and is fun to use.
Jeez Wendy do you own stock in the company?? I will say that I met the owner for Numi tea and he does have great products..
yea, three posts with 100% plugs for that turban blends company... they are affiliated with them through her design company which I have to say; I DON'T TAKE KINDLY TO YOUR UGLY SPAM, MA'AM!

anyways =) I was also going to post some tea companies I enjoyed but I need to track down their wrappers, I'm weird and saved the wrapper from some free tea bags I got. If it helps they tasted realy realy good.
Did not realize I was "spamming"

Just want to clarify to everyone that my husband owns Urban Blends. My company, Hummingbird Creative Group, designed his website. I was online doing research and noticed several questions about where to find products he sells and thought I'd let you guys know about it. I really thought it would be obvious to anyone who did any research that we are related, and didn't think it was spamming since I revealed exactly who I was - his website is on my site's homepage and vice versa. I also had noticed a lot of people promoting their businesses on these posts, so followed suit. I love the products he sells, and promote them whenever I have the chance. I have deleted my other two posts. I did not mean to offend anyone and will be more careful to reveal who I am more clearly in future posts.
I buy excellent Chinese tea on asian-tea dot com (I can't write links...) They send tea directly from China and I'm sure it's really good tea. There are a lot of types of tea on this site! I like Milk Oolong, Jasmine Green tea and Tie Guan Yin most. But I haven't tried so much types. Also I like to eat goji berries! It's good for my shape!
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