QUESTION: Oil in mochas?


New member
Jul 13, 2006
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:-D Whenever I get a mocha after sitting for about 5 minutes an oil forms on the top of the coffee. What is this oil and why does it appear. It looks really gross and almost makes me want to not drink mocha's anymore.
just a guess

This is just a guess but it is probably the milk fat jelling on the top of the pudding skins. Looks a little gross but its not bad for you...well its bad for you but not in a chemical way...well in a chemical way yes but not in an synthetic way.
Oil is a good thing wrt coffee. It is what holds all the flavor and caf.
going too far

If you really love your mochas and want to go to the extreem there are magnetic stirrers that you can buy from scientific distributers. They are made to keep chemicals from seperating but they work great for coffee as well if you can keep from drinking the pill sized magnet.

Man that gives me a great idea for a new electric cup design....
self heated cups that stirr too....
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