Ready to roast


New member
Jan 15, 2007
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Hello all:

I''m ready to roast for friends, family, and some local business that continuously use bad coffee. I''m currently using at Hottop, but am ready to make the next jump. Unfortunately it looks like it''s going to have to be rather large. I''m seriously considering the Probatino. It''s definately expensive, but for the money is there something else better? I want to keep the machine for a long time, and not have to kick myself in a year for not getting something better.

Any advice would be helpful.

Probat is certainly a nice machine, and if price is no object, I would still suggest looking at all of the roasters availible. for a Toper
Just to name a few
I too am looking at roasters and I believe that for my money and situation I will be getting the Ambex I have found that there people are top notch and Terry Davis is one of the most approchable Presidents I have ever had the pleasure of talking to. But where ever you decide to go, do your homework. Contact all of them and get the info for yourself.
Baugo is right. Ambex has excellent service and great equipment. But before you start roasting for local businesses, you need to check with your local health organization...either health department or department of agriculture. You can pay some serious money in fines if you are operating a coffee company out of your personal residence. Call them and ask for a copy of the regs that cover your kind of business.

You can always give coffee away, but when you start selling it, you become a business and have to play by the rules.

Here is a list of small problems:

Health Dept will slam you with many fines.

State Sales Tax Commission will impose fines.

IRS will join in also.

City Ord. will give a approx $2000 citation for operation without a permit

Fire Marshall will issue fines.

Your competitor will call the Health Dept. and file a complaint on you.

Next step, get a GOOD LAWYER. Another $8000 just for him.

Yup. They are all right. You will get into a real disaster if you roast and sell at home........ Well, what I think is, get or rent a shop (lowest price), a permit and get everything done with the goverment sector. Of course remember to do the market research. :-)
roaster has been chosen!

Thanks for everyone's help. I ended up talking to the folks at Diedrich, Ambex and Probat Burns, Inc. As far as customer service is concerned, I was sold on the Ambex immediatel after the first phone call. Brittany was amazing. But after more research I felt that the Probatino would would be the best fit for me. Although I plan on having it for years, these little roasters seem their value... if you can even find one. It will be complete in 4 weeks, at which point I'll travel to the factory and get a free training session on it by the Probat folks.

Does anyone have any hands on experience with these things?
Re: roaster has been chosen!

Unic said:
Thanks for everyone's help. I ended up talking to the folks at Diedrich, Ambex and Probat Burns, Inc. As far as customer service is concerned, I was sold on the Ambex immediatel after the first phone call. Brittany was amazing. But after more research I felt that the Probatino would would be the best fit for me. Although I plan on having it for years, these little roasters seem their value... if you can even find one. It will be complete in 4 weeks, at which point I'll travel to the factory and get a free training session on it by the Probat folks.

Does anyone have any hands on experience with these things?

Just don't get one thats too small.....when you figure how large a roaster you need, increase it by 50% or even 100%. Thats way although it's larger batches, you are not roasting all day 5 days per week...another good way to get tired and upset people.
new roaster

Well, I unded up going with the Probatino. Certainly it was a lot of money for a roaster that only does 2.5 pounds, but it was definately the solid choice. This thing is a tank. I'm in the process of mounting the cyclone to the wall so I can save some floor space. I've only done a few roasts, but I can tell already it's going to be a fun ride...
used IR-12

I have a used IR-12 Diedrich. If you are interested, I will forward pics. IT is the fancier model and has served us well for 12 years.
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