recommedations for propane to use Ambex YM2


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Jun 9, 2006
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Recently purchased a YM2 from Ambex. Just looking for imput on what size/types of propane tanks other roasters use for a small roaster. I want to get away from the bbq grill small variety when we move into a real space.


I do have 2.5K TOPER roaster. I do use 10Kg LPG bottles. It is better to use 30-33Kg LPG bottles. Only problem is that bigger bottle need to stay outside. So you need to connect line from the outside to the roaster.
Good luck!
Check your local code on that - in Georgia the law says all propane bottles have to be outside regardless of size.
Ditto on that,
In most locations propane tanks indoors are not allowed, and even if they are, it is not the best idea. It is far safer to have the tank outdoors and route a gas line to the roaster. In most instances this is not too expensive and you can size a larger tank.
Never keep propane inside....was told that each pound of propane is equal to 10 sticks of dynomite :shock:
At the PROBAT (in Germany) training room and laboratory they keep 10K LPG bottle close to the small roaster. And for sure it is better to keep propane outside. And for me, in 3 months I will be switching to NG. Here in the Czech it is 3 times cheaper to use NG against LPG. I am building hard line for NG right now. And it would be expensive to build hard line for LPG and than switch to NG.
Just wanted to explain this!
well here in Florida it is illegal to have propane tanks indoors.
Up here in Wisconsin we heat with LP so it is already piped in from a larger tank outside! My house has a 500 gallon tank and my roasting barn a little 100 gallon.
NFPA (National Fire Protection Assoc.) code will pretty much spell out the rules for propane handling, storage and use. I believe the section is 58. I suggest you read up on it - most insurance carriers, fire departments, etc. will require you to follow these codes as a minimum.
Here in the Czech Republic, before you start moving to other places, you need to put everything on the paper. Make all documentation about how it will be, detail drawing, waste documentation, etc. Than all departments like fire, building, health departments and others will need to make approval based on that documentation. Than you make all the changes in your new facility. After all is done, all departments will come for an inspection and they will give you an approval for roasting facility. If it is the same in the USA I would probably go check with all the departments about their requirements. That is because some requirements are hard to provide in some general building! Also they should guide you what to do. Do not forget to check if there is requirement for microclimate for storing the coffee.
Just wondering it is the same in the USA? What you need to have or do, to build the roasting facility?
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