Reglutory requirments for Roasting - 15kilo


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Aug 8, 2008
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I am new to roasting and was hoping someone knows what regulatory requirements are needed for roasting in Ontario, Canada. Air pollution, fire etc?? So far I have found I need a "certificate of approval - air". Thanks.
Hi Chewy,

I roast in ontario on a 25 kilo machine. Let me tell ya this......the CofA you seek is going to be a true nightmare. MOE has little to no information of coffee roasting, which makes things that much more difficult. You should expect to require an afterburner or some sort of smoke and odour suppression system. Additionally, there are some new laws coming into effect very soon that are decreasing the amount of a couple of particular VOC's that are considered acceptable.

Where abouts in ontario are you located??

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Thanks Dave

I am in Toronto. I rang MOE and they said that I don't need C of A, but online it says I do. I am planning on getting an afterburner.


I sent an email to the MOE regarding a 5K roaster this spring and would it require a coffee roaster in the hopes of receiving something in writing. The email was forwarded to someone who had an engineer designation. His response was that the client (that's me I guess) was responsible for deciding if a CofA was required. I should see the document O. Reg. 419/05. (4174e.pdf) and determine if I needed to apply for an air certificate. It really is a mess in that department.

If you do manage to get someone to actually utter the words I would make sure you document who you spoke with and preferably get something in writing. It would stop them from coming back later and telling you that you are not compliant, but at least you will have evidence that you performed due diligence when investigating whether you needed one or not.