Regulations for wholesale


New member
Jan 19, 2014
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Does anybody know what types of regulations are in place if I sold my excess greens to other local businesses and individuals? I don't have a separate commercial location (just out of my house). I know some of the rules in place for roasting and reselling, but I didn't know what are the rules on reselling an unchanged product.
I'm pretty sure you will need to be registered/licensed with the state. I had to show our retail outlets a copy of a form we'd filed with the state.
I have no idea what regulations one must follow in Asia. But I'm pretty it would vary in each country.

What? You don't know the rules in Asia? C'mon, man! <big wink> The questions that get thrown out there on this forum still crack me up. "I want to know something, but hey, why should I search when I can just register on a forum, forget about introducing myself and become part of a community, and let you guys do my thinking for me."
That's why God made Google - to help those who can help themselves.

Yup. Unfortunately, their Google searches only go as far as finding, and then we are considered so astute and our knowledge base so broad that we know everything about anything. Look at the post counts of most of these questions; it's a first or second post. So somebody wants to know something and thinks this is as far as they have to search because it's easier to register and ask than to do their own due diligence.
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Thank you eldub. Peter, I plan on being a part of this community for the long-term. Hopefully you will warm up to me in time.
Thank you eldub. Peter, I plan on being a part of this community for the long-term. Hopefully you will warm up to me in time.

I'm not sure why you feel we didn't answer your question respectfully. The guy asking for the "rules of Asia" got ribbed a bit I don't think that should carry over into your main question.
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[FONT=&quot]Hmmm, hopefully somebody else will be the Asian expert. I guess I did jump right in the swimming pool without even saying "hello" I apologize for that. I will post a new thread which more properly introduces myself. Thank you.[/FONT]
No need to apologize, imo. Some people introduce themselves, others don't.

LOL I doubt there can be an "Asian expert," any more than there can be a "European expert." Rules vary from country to country or even state to state but rarely continent to continent.
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I'm not sure why you feel we didn't answer your question respectfully. The guy asking for the "rules of Asia" got ribbed a bit I don't think that should carry over into your main question.
I do feel Peter's comments were aimed at both of us, but there are no worries on my end. I promise, no hard feelings.