Qustion for those of you on this forum who own your own retail espresso business and roast your own beans. What was your avg. initial investment in roasting equipment and how much additional space was needed? Also, how long did it take before paying for itself.
I'm battling with whether or not to invest the capital, time and space now or wait and tackle that a couple years after our business is well established and debt service is lower.
Roasting is a science that I'd really enjoy learning however I'm not sure the timing is right. There are reputable local roasters in the area so supply is not an issue nor a problem.
I'm battling with whether or not to invest the capital, time and space now or wait and tackle that a couple years after our business is well established and debt service is lower.
Roasting is a science that I'd really enjoy learning however I'm not sure the timing is right. There are reputable local roasters in the area so supply is not an issue nor a problem.