Roaster Salary Query


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Jul 16, 2006
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A question about industry standards in roaster wages/salary. I am about to negotiate my two-year pay review with my boss at a medium sized coffee roaster/retailer in the upper midwest. I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any resources I could use to determine an industry standard for coffee roasters' salary in this part of the country. I have been to and to use their salary calculators, but I was hoping to find a website or message board that could give me some detailed figures of average roaster pay depending on experience, location, duties, etc. Any ideas??
You might PM Topher and ask his opinion. He's the only roaster I know that earns a small fortune for dropping beans. Topher has been around a long time (started at a very young age), so he could counsel you on job negotiations. I earn 85% of the company's net profit, but I own the I'm no help.

Anyway, good luck with it.

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Thanks for the reply...I was able to find some general salary figures on a website called, which I believe is a puppet of Also found a few postings for roaster positions around the country with salaries listed. My position, needless to say, has been slightly underpaid for a while now...let's hope that changes soon.
FPDOC...hahaha you have to be kidding!! Where did you get your facts? OMG! That works out to less than $8 an hour! Not even pays more like $8.50 an hour...and as before just kidding! :roll:
My bad I used which appears to be coffee roasters in Canada. states that the average salary in Seattle where living expenses and salaries are much higher is 33k.