Saeco Gran Crema


New member
Oct 28, 2006
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My first post. I have been lurking, reading and learning here for awhile. Great site and very helpful... Now to the problem, I bought a used Saeco Gran Crema off eBay that was suppose to be in great condition but out of the box it did not work properly. I followed instructions but only got drips out of it. The steam wand works fine. When you pump to a cup it is very loud and vibrates bad. I descailed it but no increase from a drip or decrease in the sound. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I think I have read previous posts about this kind of problem. Other folks have purchased used espresso machines to find out that there are problems with the machine. Search this topic and you may find some answers, hopefully easy cures.
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I may have located the problem. I took the bottom cover off and one of the plastic tubes were not in it's slot, it was pinched between the frame and the base. I guess the tube had been like that for awhile because I tried to work with it to open it back up but did not have a lot of luck.

I guess the next thing is to tear it down all the way and replace the tube. With the water flow being restricted it may have hurt the pump, but I have no idea this is all new to me.

I just want to make a cup of espresso at home....