Saeco Incanto Sirius

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Hello, I just bought this machine, but I have a problem.
I followed the instructions, put water in the tank and when it says Ventilate I turned the knob counterclockwise to start loading the circuit, but the pump korks and water don''t flows out from the nozzle.
I did it some times but without result. It sounds like there was no water in the tank.
Any sugestions to help me?
Unhappilly the Saeco suport are closed until new year. I''m frustated
also have Ventilate loop problem

Just got the machine 2 weeks ago and I have the same problem. Saw on another board
someone with the same problem - apparently its a broken flow meter or something like that. Have to return it to Saeco for repairs. Kind of expect more from such an expensive machine, but being Italian myself, I should know better...
ventilate loop, now no steam - returning Icanto Sirius

Good news is that we don't have the ventilate loop problem anymore. Bad news is that now we have no steam or hot water - so that boiler is just plain done after a couple of weeks. I suspect that there was a bad batch of these machines - Costco has stopped carrying this particular model - and given the choice between paying for insured UPS from California to Ohio and being without a machine for 4-6 weeks (average quoted repair time), we're just returning it for a refund at Costco. Ridiculous for such an expensive machine to essentially be DOA. Have they heard of Quality Assurance?
Re: Cafe Crema

RonB said:
Another question: I'm trying to get a good cup of coffee from my Incanto:

If you select a LARGE cup, 3 bean shot, would this be considered a large 'coffee' ie: Cafe Crema.; I find that even with 3 beans and the SBS turned to 3:00, the coffee is kind of watery; it comes out dark for about 15 seconds then goes light. I've tried Americano style, but diluting the expresso with water isn't my taste. It seems to me that the machine is actually preparing the coffee "americano' style, because at about the 25 second mark, it looks like almost water is coming out.
Any comments on what settings you are all using for coffee?



If you are noticing the water going clear after a certain period of time.... then maybe you should try two separate medium pours instead of one large pour?
Tip for this machine

We were having lots of problems with muddy pucks... inconsistent shots... overflowing tray etc. We fixed all of them (so far) by just leaving our machine on. This was suggested by Saeco. The auto shut off feature was nice but it took the machine to long to get to the performance level required to operate consistently. Just wanted to share.
Re: Tip for this machine

angler said:
We were having lots of problems with muddy pucks... inconsistent shots... overflowing tray etc. We fixed all of them (so far) by just leaving our machine on. This was suggested by Saeco. The auto shut off feature was nice but it took the machine to long to get to the performance level required to operate consistently. Just wanted to share.

When you leave it on... do you let it go into standby mode so you still have to hit the power button?

Or do you leave it really on so it always says "ready for use" or whatever it says.
Here is a new add-on for the Incanto series, a cappuccinatore
As the dealership for Saeco in Norway is somewhat unclear, I have to get it from Sweden or Germany somehow, which is a lot cheeper too, usually. Anyways, anyone got experience with this unit they would like to share? I will when I eventually get it.
Re: Tip for this machine

DjPiLL said:
angler said:
We were having lots of problems with muddy pucks... inconsistent shots... overflowing tray etc. We fixed all of them (so far) by just leaving our machine on. This was suggested by Saeco. The auto shut off feature was nice but it took the machine to long to get to the performance level required to operate consistently. Just wanted to share.

When you leave it on... do you let it go into standby mode so you still have to hit the power button?

Or do you leave it really on so it always says "ready for use" or whatever it says.

I leave it on so that it is always ready -
Coffe machine or espresso superautomatic

Purchased the Saeco Incanto late summer 2007 from Costco, easy setup no initial problems however noticed the rich black output from my \"Back Cat beans\" turning to almost tea like stream of coffee/water after the first 4-5 seconds of use. Was wondering if it was my technique however after much research its apparent that my Saeco Incanto is a VERY expensive coffee maker vs. the 10+ year old Estro Proffi it replaced.
Bummer ........ whats up Saeco ??- please assist.
Bought a floor model Incanto Sirius for $300

I know a lot of you have had problems with the Incanto Sirius. I happened to see a floor model (has dust on it) at the local BB&B and bought it for $300. Apparently it has everything except for the box and the manual. Can I download the manual from the Saeco website. I had trouble with it. Also, I have never used a super automatic before. Any ideas where I should start. Also what is the best way to clean the dust before using.
Saeco Incanto Sirius help please

I am having some problems with Saeco customer service. I would not suggest anyone buy any of their products because of their terrible customer service. I need someone who has this machine to run some tests for me PLEASE! I would go to the store but it is no longer available and one of you are my last hope!!!! Read on and I will explain....

Just 2 months of after purchase I started having problems with the grinder. It would say \"grinder blocked\". I would have to drive to the nearest service center for them to fix it. That is a 3 hour round trip drive. But better than sending it in to Ohio where it takes 6 weeks! Finally, after 6 trips to the service center, my grinder completely blew out. There were no grinder parts available. They were back ordered from Italy. And since it was one week past the warranty when it finally blew out Saeco would not cover the $350 to replace the grinder at the service center. The grinder had been malfunctioning since the beginning so I expected for Saeco to fix it under warranty. I contacted Saeco and after much argument they finally agreed! I had to pay to send the machine to them. I waited an addition 4 months because there were no grinders available. I said send me a new machine then. They would not. All together I was without the machine for 6 months.

When I finally received the machine I had it for about 2 months before the grinder blew again. I sent it in again and had to wait a month for them to replace it again. When I received it this time I noticed that it was leaking water into the drip tray before and after I made a coffee. It did not do this before. I contacted Saeco and they said that they had replaced a water line while it was there. They ran me through a bunch of tests and nothing helped so they said send it in again. Another month.

I get my coffee machine back and it still leaks and they say that nothing is wrong and it is supposed to leak. I ask for them to send me a new machine. They refuse. They sent me 2 espresso cups as a consolation.....I need for someone to tell me if their machine does this? I can only make 4 large cups of coffee now because all the rest of the water leaks in to the drip tray. About 2 fluid ounces per every cup. plus the 2 ounces that is dispensed for prebrewing. I am continually having to empty the drip tray. Can some one please get back to me on this? Thanks so much!
I can make around 10 cups of cappuccino (one shot in each) before being prompted to empty the drip tray. However, I always leave a jug under the dispenser when I turn it on, so the rinse doesn't go into the drip tray. Usually I make 2 cups at a time and then do a blank shot (using pre-ground) so in total before emptying it's:

Turn on and rinse (into jug)
2 espresso shots
froth milk
rinse with blank shot
repeat 5 times
Prompts to empty drip tray

Hope that helps. I've had the machine just over 2 years now - it's been in for repair once when it started making a loud knocking noise when then pump was running. The pump housing was warped causing it to hit the side of the machine. I'm pretty sure the descaling cycle caused the problem as it insists on running until the water tank is empty, which in turn lets air into the pump and causes it to start knocking. That was a year ago, no issues since.
turbine- Thank you for the prompt reply! I would have to make exactly what you made to be able to compare. But I am sure I won't get 10 cappuccinos out of my machine.

I do put a container under the nozzle to collect the "pre-brew" water cycle. That, in of itself is, 2 oz. Then another 2 oz. leaks into the drip tray from the back of the tray. Half before I make the coffee and half after. This is the problem.

The tank holds 116 oz. when filled to "max" line.
2 oz. are dispensed per cup for pre brew
I have my large coffee set on a 10 oz. serving
12 oz. of water is still left in the tank when the "fill water" icon appears

So if you subtract (from 116 oz.);

2 oz. prebrew x 4 = 8 oz.
10 oz. x 4 = 40 oz.
12 oz. water remaining in tank

equals 60 oz.....that means that 56 oz. of water (almost half) are lost leaking in to the drip tray in order to make 4 cups of coffee. Does that sound normal to you?

This thread has been locked if you wish to post about a Saeco Incanto Sirius please post a new thread.

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