Shot times...


New member
Oct 18, 2006
Reaction score
Just can't help it, I have to post.

To extract 1 oz
  • *bucks standard single shot time = 7 s
    airport espresso machine standard shot time dbl = 5 s
    airport espresso machine standard shot time sgl = 5 s
    airport espresso machine standard shot time (2nd use of puck!) dbl = 3 s
If you complain about any of the above shot times and confidently state that your shot should be lasting around 20-30 get
  • *bucks 4oz of single espresso
    airport 12oz double
    airport 6oz single
If you complain yet again about the volume, they will handily tip out the excess to reduce it to 1 oz :)
And if you are really unlucky the tin of spray cream will be the next thing to appear in the Baristas hand!
Davec, you should know better! An airport espresso is pre-made in the back and stored in 50 gallon drums. It just takes 5 seconds to get it from the barrel to the machine to your cup.

Oh just saw you changed your profile location too. You watch Dr. Who at all? I was thinking we should start a New New England! 8)
On a more serious note, I think we will start using more stickies. I believe most people would rather drop a thread vs take any real time to search the forum for an answer.

I really wouldn't mind writing down the 101 requirements and then pointing to a few good threads to drive the point home.
I think the top of each forum area, should have the key stickies for that are....containing the wisdom of ages, so people can read them first before posting.

Unfortunately my personal experience has been that it doesn't always help, but not a good reason for not doing it.
I agree. For the most part I think we should keep it short and sweet. I've seen quite a few other forums that have a ton of stickies that made it almost impossible for you to read them all in a day. That is what I really want to stay away from.

I think 3 or 4 stickies per subject is about the max of what I want to see. I'm not trying to get people to stop posting. I just want them to first look to see if the question they want to asked has been answered a few hundred times already.
I would like to suggest a "Search" option at the beginning of each forum room. The Search option really has come in handy for me, couldn't it be more easily accessible?
Probably not as easy as it sounds.
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