Simonelli Tune-up


New member
Aug 11, 2004
North Georgia, USA
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My new Program VIP says, "Maintenance" on it. I gather there are some kits that need to be installed - we've reached the 10,000 shot mark.

Does anyone know if this is difficult, or do I need to have my distributor drive 90 miles to effect the repairs?
Well good for you, at least your business is doing good. Ideally you should service your machine every 3 to 4 months but no later then 6 months. Your group gaskets also referred as Group O-Rings will start getting hard and grooved after a few months of constant use. After about 6 months they will be almost hard as a rock. They really aren’t that fun to chisel out.

Your portafilter should be pointing towards you or a little to the right. When you start going further right is when the gaskets need replaced or when you gaskets start leaking. When you replace the gaskets it's also good time to check and or replace your screens.

If you have been keeping soft water to your machine as in 3 grains or less then it should be fine, and shouldn't need descaling. I am assuming your machine is under a year old. If your water is over 3 grains you should replace your water softener cartridge or refill your system. If you don't have one, get one. This will help dramatically increase your machines life expectancy.
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Thanks for that info. We do have a filter on the system - I don't know what the water composition comes straight out of the mountain. I think that's why our coffee tastes so good. :grin:

In talking with the rep I seem to recall him mentioning screens? Is that a reference to the wire mesh on the group head?

Yep, the machine has been in use for just at six months, so it's probably time for the maintenance as you suggested.
