Well, I was VERY heated when I discovered this. Even though I'm calming down, it P!$$es me off to think about it. And after writing a letter to the seller (see top of the post for who that is) I still have heard nothing.
I called Starbucks customer support, and they were nice, but made it clear that with a machine that old what they could offer in support was limited. Turns out I'm going to have to shell out another $35 for parts to just test the machine (other than running water through the brew head or steam wand.)
What scares me though is the longest I've heard someone say their Barista has lasted was 10 years.... so this one is one the last leg most likely.
Brings the whole "cavat emptor"/buyer beware (or however it's spelled) to mind.
Side Note: without a portafilter in place, when you press the steam button, is it normal for some steam/water to come out of the brew head?