Starting a coffee kiosk in hospital


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Feb 2, 2004
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We are seriously thinking about starting a kiosk in a large teaching hospital in our area. After checking with the local health department, we want to write up a proposal for the hospital. Once we've got a signed contract, then we'll lease our equipment. I want to sell flavored coffees, hot chocolate, and juice. Maybe even biscotti, donuts, and/or muffins. I'm very excited about everything, but I need advice. I want to do this without a franchise- is that wise? Also, is there a company that specializes in the kiosks itself? Besides plumbed-in water and a desirable location, what else could we need? :grin:
espresso machine is a must. Why do you want to lease your machinery? Personally I would want to buy them outright...I helped set up 2 different coffee shops in hospitals...they are very me if you have any questions.
I thought leasing would be a good idea until we break even, then make full purchases with profits. Just a thought. I've got the machines narrowed down to ranchilio and saeco. From what I've read the ranchilio is an automatic and the saeco is a super automatic. The saeco sounds like a winner, and one model can be plumbed- but what does the coffee taste like? I'd hate to sacrifice taste for convenience. Any thoughts? :grin:
The machines you are looking at are home units....and would not be able to keep up with volume...also the quality would not be anywhere near as good as to a commercial unit. You should be able to find a used espresso machine online....good luck
My mom would drive a hour to go to the espresso cart at the hospital she worked at. Not sure why really, I was a kid, I think she liked to drive and she worked there anyways so it gave her comfort with coffee and a place she knew. :)
This is a great idea, are there any other kiosks selling other things at this hospital? If so, what do they sell? Are there any other places that sell coffe at the hospital other than the cafeteria? Any place that has coffee vending machines would be a great place to sell coffee at a kiosk because why would you buy it from a machine when you get can it "fresh" at a kiosk?
The hospital has a vending area with coffee machines, a cafeteria, and Wendy's. The gift shop sells some snacks. I'm reading Espresso: a guide to starting and running your own coffee business. I've also spoken with a man who owns a kiosk in another hospital. I'm still excited, but I want to make sure all my homework is done before getting started. The guy with the kiosk has a rancilio and says it does just fine for up to 30 cups/hour. Has anyone used the Livia 90 or Saeco coffee bar?
I usually talk with a coffee guy who has just started a wholesale and distribution center. He's been in the business since the early eighties and encourages the entreprenural spirit. If you need some more advice, reply back and I'll give you his e-mail. By the way, you really don't need in-house plumbing unless you expect to do a monster amount of business. I've done a couple of mobile coffee bars for events before and have had everything I needed except for electricity. Your only snafu with this approach is that most health departments require some type of handsink for sanitation.
I have a chance to start a coffee kiosk in a hospital and am very excited. There is another person wanting to open a coffee shop in the same hospital, so I am to submit a proposal. Anybody have suggestions as to what I should include? How specific should I get? Any idea where I can get some statistics? Thanks!

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