strong vs diluted coffee and health

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Does anyone here know about the health benefits of strong vs diluted coffee? A french person who swears by her thimble of super strong espresso told me vaguely about some health advantage of not diluting coffee.
I personally cannot stand any other coffee than the strongest espresso - I simply can't get down a cup of regular brewed coffee. I live in a remote area where nobody makes a decent espresso, but every time I get to NYC I HAVE to go to one of my 3 favorite coffee shops and have the real thing. I am beginning to see a correlation (but I'm not sure) between how my stomach reacts when I drink espresso that's not very strong or french press coffee: I get this uncomfortable jittery sensation in my stomach after just one cup - it lasts for many hours. Whereas I can drink several strong espressos with no negative effect.

Any comments?
sojay said:
Does anyone here know about the health benefits of strong vs diluted coffee? A french person who swears by her thimble of super strong espresso told me vaguely about some health advantage of not diluting coffee.
I personally cannot stand any other coffee than the strongest espresso - I simply can't get down a cup of regular brewed coffee. I live in a remote area where nobody makes a decent espresso, but every time I get to NYC I HAVE to go to one of my 3 favorite coffee shops and have the real thing. I am beginning to see a correlation (but I'm not sure) between how my stomach reacts when I drink espresso that's not very strong or french press coffee: I get this uncomfortable jittery sensation in my stomach after just one cup - it lasts for many hours. Whereas I can drink several strong espressos with no negative effect.

Any comments?
i can help

have you ever thaught of purchasing a small 3 cup espresso brewing pot?

i have the same problem as you, i cant stand weak coffee.
when i drink the normal brew, i fill the filter to the limit and sometimes pour it through a second time. that normally does the trick. it takes longer but its worth it.

also, if you can get hold of an espresso pot, i would recommend that you use the darkest roast you can find, seeing that you dont have access to many deli's or coffee shops to purchase espresso.

let me know.
i wish you the best of luck!
Strong Vs Dilute Coffee health benefits

Drinking a cup of coffee has many benefits:coffee: ...Both increase energy level and decreases the risk of many serious disease...A single cup of coffee:coffeemug: has:

  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
  • Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA

  • Coffee Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia:coffeespill:
  • Lower The Risk of Parkinson’s
  • Protective Effects on The Liver
  • Fight Depression and Make You Happier
  • Lower Risk of Some Types of Cancer
  • Lower The Risk of Stroke....

Apart from all these its rich in antioxidants
Jamaican coffee is the best in the world Cindy. Plan a vacation and you will experience it yourself.
May I recommend that you purchase online a stovetop Moka Pot. Moka is as strong as Espresso when brewed correctly, and some of us think it tastes better than steam-brewed espresso or coffee from a French press. Here is the one I use:


You will need some premium, fresh roasted coffee beans. Some of the Forum members will send you samples if you ask. I like Papua New Guinea coffee from here:Papua New Guinea Gourmet Coffee - Fresh Roasted & Shipped Daily This would be a good start for your tasting adventure. I buy a pound of whole beans at a time, and grind just before brewing. I use and recommend one of these:


This is an inexpensive, fully adjustable ceramic burr grinder. Pick one of these: 10 Best Hand Coffee Grinders

I also like a good insulated 6.5oz cup, such as these, which match perfectly the capacity of the above 3-shot Moka Pot. Also available as a glass with no handle, if you prefer.


Enjoy your coffee, and share it with someone you love, if possible.
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