Student research project on specialty coffee shop customers in Toronto, Canada

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Feb 17, 2015
Toronto, Canada
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Torontonians of,

Myself and two other students are currently doing a study of customer preferences at independent specialty coffee shops in the Greater Toronto Area.

If you live in the GTA please take 5 minutes to fill out our survey (it really only takes 5 minutes, we timed it).

You can find the survey here:

It's anonymous, and only being conducted for academic purposes as part of our major research project in the Research Analyst Program at Humber College.

If you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for helping student researchers! :coffeemug:
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Thank you to everyone who has filled out our survey. You have helped student researchers!

We will continue to collect survey data until about mid march.

Thanks for your support!
A better way to collect your customer preference data might be to approach the owners or managers of these independent specialty coffee shops. They could provide you with anonymized data in exchange for the exposure you'll promise when the results of the study are released.
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Survey will be active until Friday March 13th at 5PM

Thanks again, for your support and taking the time to fill out our survey.

The survey will be active until this coming Friday March 13th at 5PM.

Thank you and PinkRose for letting us post this thread. We really appreciate it!

All the best to you coffee enthusiasts out there. :coffeecup:
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