The Sequel: The Positives of owning your own store


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Oct 4, 2007
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As someone who aspires to some day own a coffee shop, I'd like to hear about the positives.

I've always been a morning person and have always enjoyed drinking coffee. I remember working for an offshore catering company back in the 90's where I'd wake up at 4 a.m. and make sure that all of the coffee thermos(es) were full and ready for the crews when they woke up at 5 a.m. It goes without saying that this was a very important responsibility. You don't want 100 longshoremen waking up without coffee.

Let's hear it guys - What are the positives of owning a coffee shop? :D
All the coffee you can drink

Other than one total jerk in Amherst, Mass, coffee people are totally nice

You can go to other indie shops and introduce yourself and get a free cup of coffee...sometimes free muffins and beans

Your regulars are your friends

If you were Anne, you get to see Mr booger in action
You can do pretty much what the f*** you want. :twisted:
No need to drink the crap coffee you were before.
Knowing you are loved by some, feared by some, hated by some... kinda like a good "B list" celebrity.

And on the cheesy side:

A smile and an "mmmmm" from a customer taking their first sip is priceless.
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I like what ElPugDiablo said regarding the indie shops and also what John P said regarding the smiles of the customers.

A single customer's smile or the encouraging words of a fellow indie shop could be all it takes to remind you that indeed you are not alone and that you do have a caring support system. Keep up the good work and don't let anyone or anything deter you from your vision.
ElPugDiablo said:
If you were Anne, you get to see Mr booger in action

I totally missed this thread. And, I have NO idea what happened to Creepy Booger Guy. He just stpped coming in. I think the Italians from next door offed him. They knew he freaked me out. Maybe they made him an offer... I dunno.

Positives of owning your own store... to be honest, they FAR OUTWEIGH the negatives. We all try to be realistic, and brutally honest, especially when some of the "day dreamers" find this site and all they focus on is lazy mornings pouring coffee and chatting it up, not thinking through the process. Mainly, I guess we try to save them from themselves. LOL

Of course, it is HARD work, exhausting at times. And, I don't know how many know this other than ElPugDiablo, but I'm 7 mos pregnant. (Don't even ask. LOL We tried for years and nthing happened. And then suddenly, here I am.) So, I am especially tired, but I am still able to be here most of the day.

Anyway, I know I get caught in the day to day BS, but there is nothing else I'd rather do. Even today, when one of the kids asked me where the "rest of the filters for the Fetco thingy" were. Um, they were ALL together... The kid says, oh, so I guess we're out. :shock: The best part... NO ONE around here sells them. And there is no Saturday UPS/FedEx delivery here on Saturdays to even order them for tomorrow. Luckily, I know someone in Ocean City who was kind enough to drop some off to me. Hey, we indies have to stick together.

There is no better feeling when someone who works for you has that sense of accomplishment when they finally pour that rosetta and they are genuinely proud, and you are proud. We have a couple of jerky customers, but 99% of them are wonderful... some even brings gifts!

I think the best part of this is that I was able to do it when people said I couldn't--mainly the poor sots I used to work with. I actually stopped by just to drop off some coffee... they look pathetic. LOL Of course, I am tired, but I am satisfied. I have a long way to grow to develop my business and all of our skills, mine included, but I am happy I have made it this far.
a customer said today "ahhh, that's a good cup of coffee, for a fair price".

we finally raised our prices. here's a strange thing. business increased.
not strange. But way to understand what they were telling you.

A very good restaurant I know just got a "Best affordable Dinner" and they were not too happy with the award.
We bought a coffee shop and opened a couple of months ago...the previous owners had mismanaged and gone out of business. I just have to husband and I are exhausted, but I'm still so glad we did this....EVEN THOUGH I am still working my other full-time job too. We're not making any money yet, but I feel confident that things will get better once the weather cools off....PLUS, we're total newbies so we're still learning. I'm a nurse, my husband's a Realtor, haha. Anyway, I read this thread a few months ago when were just thinking of buying, and now it makes so much more sense. Our regulars really are our friends. We've really grown so much more fond of this community in the last two months. We've heard hundreds of times "I'm SO glad you guys reopened this place", or "we're SO glad you're here". It's awesome. We do sandwiches and salads too, so we have a good sized lunch crowd...but I have to say, that morning coffee crowd, even though it's not huge yet, is just priceless. I have never felt so appreciated, so content, so valuable, so COOL! LOL
I have enjoyed reading peoples various posts for a while so I guess I will jump in and offer some of my positives.

I have always tried to pursue excellence in all that I do. After pouring heart and soul into your place it is great to hear you are attaining that by peoples comments and the looks on their face when they take their first sip.

To have people come in and be used to the cup of mediocrity they get so many other places and have them look at you and say wow this is really good, what did you do.

I have had first timers say...WOW I will definitely be back and tell all my friends. To have them come back with their friends and say see I told you I would be back.

Its great to hear people say that their drinks are consistently great. That was my problem as I frequented many of the shops in my area. They just were not very consistent nor were they very good.

I had a guy tell me the other day that his Girlfriend says "that you have the best coffee she has had". He then laughed and said that he is starting to think she comes more into town for my coffee then to see him.

It is great to see your regular base of people build and be concerned with how you are doing.

It is great to be able to see all your hard work starting to pay off... not that I am there yet. But to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So I would say pursue excellence because as "John P" said above, "You have the chance to shape the coffee landscape by inspiring others with your principles."

The biggest positive is to be succeeding at what you set out to do.

Thanks to all that have posted and thanks to all the great people with great coffee shops out there.
Hey Todd (WiredCoffeeEspress), nice post. Nice website too, fantastic gelato images.
You know, your Welcome, About Us, and Coffee links are a bit high to the text?

There has been a lot of chat in this forum about North Carolina.
It must be a hot spot for good coffee.

Thanks for sharing your positive experience as a coffee shop owner.
It was a refreshing read, to say the least.