Trying to like coffee - not having any luck


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Mar 8, 2006
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Hi, I've never really drank coffee my entire life (I'm 39), but I do enjoy tea, chai, and hot chocolate. Since I'm interested in going in the coffee business now, I've been trying to give coffee another chance and learn some things at the same time. I'd like to get to the point where I enjoy a good cup and can tell the difference between good quality and bad, etc. However, I just don't get it. Everytime I try to drink coffee, it just tastes pretty bad (bitter, strong, etc...) Sure, I enjoy a frappachino, Granita or a dessert coffee drink from Starbucks, but I think those are so sweet that's why they are so popular.

Last week I went to Caribou Coffee and got a mocha latte. Again, it did not taste good to me; it was just bitter with a hint of chocolate. If I put 2 or 3 splenda packets in it it tasted ok, but it wasn't something I would want want to pay $3 for. Today I tried again and went down to the office restaurant and got a cup of decaf house blend. Same thing, strong with a bitter aftertaste, not any good to my taste buds. I guess I could put a bunch of sweeteners and creamers in it to 'fix' it, but I feel like something is wrong here. Can anyone help me? Do I have too much of a sweet tooth to appreciate coffee? Do people really enjoy basic coffee or just those sugary desert cofee drinks? Any suggestions for introducing a beginning coffee drinker to a good experience?

thanks for your help
I like the all the specialty drinks like you do with the milk and chocolate or carmel. I also enjoy chai lattes with milk, and drip coffee with cream and sugar. I wish and hope someday I can drink just black coffee and enjoy it that way. I drink straight shots of espresso or just enough to get a good taste then throw the rest out so that I know our espresso machine is set up right and the grind on the grinder.
Well coffee something you grow into I guess. As a kid you might think it is nasty and awfull (except me, I have liked coffee since I was 10!) Usually you grow into it. People start drinking it to wake up in the morning. If you think it is too bitter I suggest going to you local Starbucks (not Pete's to strong) and getting their lattes. You have already started the Frappacinos so that is a start. I suggest getting a White Chocolate Mocha or a Cinnomon Dolce Latte. These are not as strong or bitter. And has a touch of sweet and spices. The I suggest going for a more strong/ bitter taste with the Mocha or Cafe Latte. These are stronger but still low key. Then after you get the hang of Lattes, then ease into the regular coffee.
Starbux over peets??(correct me if I am wrong...but the guys at peets trained the roasters at starbux) The reason you like the Latte there is cuz they put one shot in every size unless you want to pay for more than one shot..sigh it is sad..I respect what starbux has done for this industry..but remember they are not "THE" industry :wink:
Relax on the coffee drinking. I am operating my 13th coffee house and don't drink coffee. Don't like it and never have. Your customers will tell you if they like your coffee. Besides, it's a personal taste issue. Everyone develops their own. You just need to drive the ship and let the customer determine your destination.
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ElPugDiablo said:
So look for a place that does not serve "bitter and strong" coffee. A good cup of coffee is sometime hard to find, but very rewarding. Perhaps you can tell us where you are located, and we can suggest places you can try.

I'm in Baltimore MD,
Brew your own, that way you can control all the bitter factor, such as:

Bad beans
Too dark roast
too fine ground
water quality (i use Brita, cause it's got ion exchange resin colum)
water temperature too high
Dirty instrument

Drip method is usually less bitter than espresso types of drinks.
I would go to a bookstore, and find a good coffee book, and then follow the instruction closely.

Good luck!
moose said:
ElPugDiablo said:
So look for a place that does not serve "bitter and strong" coffee. A good cup of coffee is sometime hard to find, but very rewarding. Perhaps you can tell us where you are located, and we can suggest places you can try.

I'm in Baltimore MD,

Here is a link about coffee in Baltimore: ... east/19632

If I am in Baltimore, and I am to start a coffeehouse, these are the places I definitely will go and visit.

The Baltimore Coffee & Tea Co., Inc.
9 West Aylesbury Road
Lutherville, Maryland

Jays Shave Ice
2046 York Rd
Lutherville, MD

Murky Coffee
660 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
Washington, DC

Get a regular drip, if they have description of the coffee try to see if you can pick those flavors up in the coffee. Smell the aroma and let it cool down a bit and drink it black, let the coffee touch every part of your tongue and try to associate different flavors with food group you can identify with and see if you agree with the description. Then try an espresso shot and discuss the drip coffee and the espresso with the barista if he or she is not busy.