Vote for Coffee Forums


Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Take a look to the left hand side of the page, there is a button with our ranking on it. By clicking on it you are voting for with all the people here we can see some high ranking on the forum and the higher we rank the more coffee lovers come here and talk with us so everytime you see that red button with our ranking click it and take a look :) Your clicks help the numbers go to a better ranking !

I thought that ranking was based upon the number of hits this site gets?
It may be that :) So tell your friends and family about coffeeforums :) we even have promotional cards to give to your friends.
:evil: :evil: :evil:
I don't understand the whole voting thing, or any of those "top sites" sites. to me they are annoying and a HUGE waste of time and energy. Just yesterday I was looking for Ricky Martin lyrics and I was caught in this vicious web of "top site rank" sites. The same goes when you are looking for desktop themes. One "top list rank" site leads to another "top list rank" site. I have also been forced into voting in order to be allowed to read the page I am looking for. You are then lost and can never return.

Has anyone EVER had a positive outcome with these things?? :evil:
:oops: RICKY MARTIN? :oops: I think that might have been your first mistake. :wink:
positive is that you learn about new coffees or coffee companies that you weren't aware of. :wink:
los72 said:
positive is that you learn about new coffees or coffee companies that you weren't aware of. :wink:

Well at least SOMEONE has had a positive experience. I'm too afraid to even go to those coffee rank sites.
"aaAAAAGHHHhhhhh it is sucking my will to live!"
Hey Notmuffy, you got that page to vote for the site because you ended up on a banana warez site buddy.
Topher, Notmuffy didnt make a mistake, come on, be open or are you wearing one of that pointed white hat's.................., no I'm not asking if you are a chef.
Admin did make the mistake.
You want me to vote for you?
What's init for me?
This is definitely the best drum-mer boy forum on the net.
I love it even I'm only here 4 times a year,(coz I am working).
Anyway, its like a vacation.

regs Maxtor

I might regret what I said later, but at that point in time it seemed to be relevant.
the only comment that I can make here is that: I tend to comment less on this forum then I do on other forums simply because the topics aren't always relevent to me. I am a muilti unit coffee house owner and seek out topics that pertain to my issues.

Although I will say that as far as might web site goes, this forum was the second highest traffic generator last month (Jan 06).

so everyone think of some good topics because I really want that t-shirt.

well can "donate" 20 bucks and get to no post pertaining to could start some topics...and see where they lead :wink:
its funny, I never seem to start topics only respond to ones already started. That is a good suggestion, I will try and start some topics soon.
Ricky ?

Why would you want something from some dude named Ricky? Ricky Nelson maybe.

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