Wanted: Web Savvy Coffee House Owners


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Portland, OR
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Hi Everyone, I''m new to the forums here, but have been reading through them for a week or so now and found some high quality stuff.

I''m writing because I am with a group that is launching a coffee specific web solution that will help independent coffee house owners manage customers and marketing (think of it as a lite coffee specific CRM).

We''re working with a few shops right now and need 2-3 more as we complete testing and gather user-input so we can perfect the feature set.

The product is completely web based and designed to accomplish 3 things that we found to be persistent problems for independent coffee house owners:

1. It will make your website interactive. Just paste a few lines of code to your site and you can update it with announcements and articles, gather customer feedback, manage testimonials, and build your emailing list. All the data goes to your customer database where it''s analyzed.

2. It will manage your email marketing. It has a complete e-newsletter marketing engine as well as an email marketing engine where you can create and send professional looking emails.

3. It can manage your rewards program. This is light right now and we''re going to be introducing a fuller version shortly, but you can track your customer purchases so you know is buying what and who is up for a free drink.

There is other functionality, but this is the core of it.

Right now we''re looking for 2-3 shops that are tech savvy enough to want to use a product like this. We just need you to start using it, let us know if something isn''t working right, and provide feedback on what you think.

In return, you get it to use it for free for life and we''ll help you set it all up and get it running (you might even learn a thing or two about email marketing and websites).

If you are interested, please send me a message that includes your web address and I''ll provide you with more information. I don''t want to share the site name right now because the look and feel is still being designed for the landing pages.

Like I said, we would really appreciate the feedback from people who are serious about a product like this so please don''t message if you''re just window shopping.

Thank you,