Nice website!
Howdy Mr. Biscotto,
I think it should first and foremost be a sales site, if I understand your intent with it. Get that right, make it easy to understand and to execute and you've got it licked. When a visitor finds it, they instantly know why they're there. Good imagery, representative pack and flavor information, and a smooth transaction process all will add to the effectiveness of the site.
You can always add informational topics and subtopics to give information for your customers. I imagine recipes and accompanying items with biscotti would be good to include. Pairings of flavors that you offer would naturally find companion latte flavors, single origin or blended coffee matches.
You might lend biscotti history to your informational offer. Who baked the first biscotti? Was it a mistake to bake it until so hard? Was it an accident to dip it into coffee? Was it a king's specialty in some early Chinese dynasty?
All these things might enrich your site and make it interesting. Users might enjoy reading and returning.