Website Images

Jan 18, 2008
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Since "the other" website design company messed up my website, I've had to go
about redesigning my own. Here's where I'm at now, with nine pages and counting:

My name might be too yahooey and I might get roughed up for it, but I like it. :D
I think they look very cool!...Better than I can do. :roll:
I'll second that, very nice use of colors, good pictures, informative...makes me hungry! You are allowed to have your website address on the footnote below your posting, I would suggest you add it in so people can visit your newly revamped website
Website images

Hello Biscotto

I like what I can see. It looks like you're using your imagery of your products to good advantage. I think that's very important to motivate the buy prompt. Larger views will be nice. When you have it up, link it to your profile so we can see it.

I think it's brave of you to place these pages here for all to critique. It's one thing to put the finished product out there, another to show your process of development. Obviously there are some conscientious and helpful folks here on the forum who are glad to give constructive feedback. Alien or otherwise. Still, be careful of these cannibals ...

Ha, thanks guys. Like Mako said, it is still under development.

It's not live yet, these are just pages captured from my sitebuilder program. So far it's heavy on images and light on info and text. But it's not an information site, so I'm a little stumped regarding what info to provide.
Nice website!

Howdy Mr. Biscotto,

I think it should first and foremost be a sales site, if I understand your intent with it. Get that right, make it easy to understand and to execute and you've got it licked. When a visitor finds it, they instantly know why they're there. Good imagery, representative pack and flavor information, and a smooth transaction process all will add to the effectiveness of the site.

You can always add informational topics and subtopics to give information for your customers. I imagine recipes and accompanying items with biscotti would be good to include. Pairings of flavors that you offer would naturally find companion latte flavors, single origin or blended coffee matches.

You might lend biscotti history to your informational offer. Who baked the first biscotti? Was it a mistake to bake it until so hard? Was it an accident to dip it into coffee? Was it a king's specialty in some early Chinese dynasty?

All these things might enrich your site and make it interesting. Users might enjoy reading and returning.

Like I said, heavy on imagery. It's not an information site exactly, but the info is important and
adds content to a site that would otherwise be just a store page. So, here's the photos page:

Mako, you said "...should first and foremost be a sales site". That's great advice and it made me realize how my competitors will actually enter store items onto almost every page of their site.

Perhaps I should select an item to highlight and add it to each page, in the same spot, so it's always there?

I don't want the customer to get lost amongst photos, videos, links pages, etc. and lose track of why they came to my site in the first place.
Okay, if you didn't already know, caffe biscotto is my personal user name. I should have posted the above web pages under my business name, davidsbiscotti.

Anyway, in order to get back online after nearly four months, I had to sign back up with Yahoo Webhosting as as the ".com" is not available for some reason.

That's it for now, check out my site if you have time. I'll put it back into my www button now too.

Thank you,
Edward Ard
nice site

Not bad. I thought you had a link to my site on the old site?
Thanks coffeepotato & jlyon.

Jim, you're on my blog and myspace.

You wanna trade links for real space? :D Ha ha, cool.

Put me on your awesome beans site man. :wink:
How long does it take to load on a dial up connection?
my site

OK Ed, you put me on yours and I'll put you on mine.
Jim, I adjusted the width of your banner to fit in my link images section, check it out:

CCafe, does my site take too long to load in dial up?
Hey, what's a forum moderator doing with ancient internet access? And unless I'm mistaken, don't you do most of the spam squashin' around here?

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