What coffee machine do you own?


New member
Dec 2, 2004
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Or what coffee machine would you like to own?

I have been using a Mr. Coffee 4 cup drip.
I just ordered a Melitta Clarity from Chefs for $19.95.
It should be arriving tomorrow. :D
Solis Master 5000, fun machine...takes a while to steam though.

Krup Filter-espresso Combo
Braun Filter
La Cimbali Dosatron M32 - espresso
Jolly Bar - espresso
and soon one Rancilio or Gaggia will join the family :wink:
I own three:
-A plastic auto drip which I stopped using because it made bad coffee
-A Bialetti moka pot
-Bodum french press

I use the last two frequently.
I have a bunch of equipment. My favorite is my Nuova Simonelli Program VIP (two head). I have a couple of their grinders, too. For drip, I like my Bunn commercial brewer that uses airpots. I also have a very old but reliable La Pavoni single head, totally manual espresso machine.
I am using an Innova Arc for my espresso brewing, a Chemex for my drip brew. These are my own personal machines on my kitchen counter.

Being in the coffee roasting business, I recomend fresh roasted beans to get the ultimate coffee with your favorite brewing method.
Lets see... My current home machine is an Expobar Office Control, paired with a Cimbali Jr. grinder. I also have an Astra Gourmet Auto out in the garage, which I will be rebuilding soon. When it is done, it will be my everyday machine. I also have a Rancilio Silvia with PID control, and a La Pavoni Professional. Currently the Pavoni is at work in my cubicle, but I am going to move Silvia there, and the Pavoni is going to find itself on ebay soon, packaged with a Pavoni PGC grinder, and a tamper, BIN for $450.

I recently won a Keurig B100, which will also reside on my desk at work.

Starbucks Digital Italia

after four trys, from $200 and up, finally found the one!

love this thing

The first one I had was Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine $30 . It sucks.

The second machine , which I have right now is Gaggia Espresso Machine.Fantastic.

This machine worths the money.

I guess not to waste money for buying any espresso machine, which is below a hundred.

What do you think?
new friend

a new friend my coffee machine collection - Nuova Simonelli MAC 1... had no time to play with it yet, but it is in a very good condition and i bought it for 13 USD. Thats what i call a bargain!!!! :D
I have switched my home espresso machine back to my Solis Crema SL90 I feel that this is a Great automatic espresso machine and I think that some people underestimate the Solis line. You don't need to spend $1500.00 for a great espresso machine.
sorry not 13 but 130 usd

sorry the simonelli costed 130 usd and not 13... for 13 i will probably get a detergent :))))
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