What shipping method is best for coffee


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Aug 26, 2010
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Hey I just want to know if I should ship my coffee through regular mail. When I was in Jamaica I use to send coffee to my parents in canada through the mail it took about a week or two to reach and its perfectly fine when they get it. Now that I am on the other side. I purchase my coffee online from http://www.iriedutchpot.com/category/ro ... in-coffee/ and it reaches me within five days. Should I try a different method ?
The best place to buy your coffee is from a local roaster. Then you have a better chance of getting freshly roasted coffee.

However, if you absolutely have to order it on-line and have it shipped to you, choose the fastest shipping method that you can afford.

I sell my coffee on line and ship through Canada Post. It takes about a week to get to my customers in the USA. It is rare coffee, so they cannot get it just anywhere and it is very fresh. My customers love it and I find the post to be very reliable and cost efficient. If I used a courier, the cost would be outrageous, and the border would suddenly get involved with looking at why I am shipping coffee.


My coffee gets to customers within 3 to 4 days after roasting. We use UPS. We are a large parent company so we get their rates :)