What would you call this ?


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Sep 19, 2008
New Zealand
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My Daughter and boyfriend called over on Saturday afternoon. We sat in the warmth of the outside deck for a while before she asked me if I knew how to make an iced coffee. To which I replied "I could make a coffee with ice in it... (and a few other nice things) but I don't know if I would call it an iced coffee"
So I proceeded to concoct this :

Into each stemmed coffee glass went:
1/2 a teaspoon of cadbury hot chocolate powder
a (freshly roasted) espresso shot
a shot of Kahn Coffee liqueur
a shot of fresh cream
1/4 cup cold milk
top up with ice cubes.

After licking the spoon I just had to make one for myself :grin: Very yummy.
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a variation on this was a dessert thing I did a while back:

onto a dessert plate:

two soft scoops French Vanilla ice cream
a double shot of coffee lequeur
a generous dollop of freshly whipped cream with vanilla and icing sugar
a double shot espresso on top
dusted with choc powder.

Naughty but nice. ( like me)