Whats the strongest coffee???


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Apr 2, 2006
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I am a coffee addict but I am not familiar with the different kinds. I have recently bought a brand from Trader Joes health food store, its an organic Mexican coffee called Double Dark and its strong and delicious but I'm looking for stronger than that. Anyone know?
Where do you live? I am not a big fan of trader Joe's coffees but I may just have a different taste. I like a heavy, thick and rich coffee such as Sumatra. try to find a local roaster and buy the most fresh you can buy......maybe Sumatra or a French Roast? I have been using a local Philly roaster caller Torreo and their Sumatra is to die for! I also am liking a lot of Green Mountain Roasters coffees. With Green Mountain, you have to buy the right blend or Origin coffe and buy from a place that purchases their coffee in small amounts. I don;t know if Torreo ships but their Sumatra, Mountain blend and Franklin blend are strong and flavorful with insane depth!
whats the strongest coffee

The Creative coffee No1 from Trung Nguyen is the strongest I have tried. Made entirely from Robusta peaberries from the central highlands of Vietnam and grown under Eurepgap accreditation this shows Robusta can be a great coffee as well as packing a punch.
wow..way to plug your company...read the rules...no spam...personally I am not a fan of straight robusta....I have used some nice robustas in the past but only around 3% in an espresso blend...never 100%
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Sumatra, I think I've had it, it was bitter, I think

but maybe I should try it again. As long as I can sweeten it with my Splenda, I'm fine.
strongest in flavor or in caffeine? With robusta you will get twice the caffeine vs arabica, but robusta taste pretty unpleasant. If you want to try robusta, Paradise Roasters have some top quality Indian 100% Robusta espresso. It's not for me, it's not recommanded for dripped. But assuming you are in US, it beats getting coffee from Australia.

If you want the strongest in flavor, brew any good freshly roasted coffee with more coffee and less water. Or try an Americano, better yet try a double espresso from a good coffee shop - now that's good stuff.
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what kind do you like Topher? What do you recommend? SInce I'm not sure if I've had Sumatran before, is it bitter or strong flavored or not strong enough?

I just found a store that sells organic Fair Trade-(meaning no child labor and having paid the fair market value to the growers) Sumatran coffee. They also have a Mexican kind. I liked the flavor of the Mexican kind with the Trader Joe's organic Double Dark Mexican but now I'm curious about this Sumatran one.

Also, is Kona one of the strongest coffees? I know my sister used to live in Hawaii and she said it was very strong. Is it one of the strongest?
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Stronger in taste or caffeine

In flavor and in Caffeine. I am typical of most Americans who go to the grocery store and buy store bought coffee. I have tried coffees that are supposed to be bold, but they are weak, so I'm trying to now switch to the fresh ground coffees. I've ventured into a coffee house and bought fresh ground coffee before and now I am going to start buying fresh bean coffee because I noticed the taste was better and the caffeine amount was stronger, but I need stronger to wake me up and to satisfiy my taste buds, I'm just not sure of what to buy.
You are in Michigan? Look into these two roasters


both are ranked as top ten microroasters in the US by Food and Wine magazine. Intelligentsia has more dark roasted coffees, but I like light to medium roast, and I used Paradise's coffee for my shop until I started to roast myself.

Try a medium roast such as a Guatemala Huehuetenango, and a darker roast such as Sumatra Mandheling.
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Are the strongest from South and Central America??

Are the strongest from South and Central America?? Or the African or Asian coffees???