

New member
Jan 7, 2008
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Where's the last interesting place anyone had a great cup of coffee?
For myself, it was La Grande Place, Brussels on New Years Eve. My wife, myself, my daughter and her petit amis decided to do something different this year and hopped on the Eurostar to Brussels. I had a great cup of cream capuccino early on to set me up before commencing on the serious business of getting stuck into the wonderful Belgium beers.
Not as much the place as what I did at the coffee house in my case.

Day after new years a young woman I recently met drove up to see me from California, we went and got a cup of coffee at a small cafe. I decided it would be fun to try french coffee haha, so I had her swish some black coffee around her mouth and... You get the point.

^ That my friends, is dedication! :lol:
Hi 3ternal,
I must be dense or something 'cause I'm not sure that I got it, unless maybe it's a reference to French kissing, or possibly 'French' has different connotations in the U.S. than it does here in England? The only other interpretation I can think of sounds rather painful to me, especially if the coffee was very hot!
Hi David,
I have to confess my ignorance, and this is even more embarrassing as I speak French after a fashion as we have a holiday home in Normandy, but I have never come across the phrase kiss the black coffee. :oops:
I got no results on Google for the phrase 'baiser le cafe noir' so could someone enlighten me please?
Try kiss of black coffee.

If you still don't get any results, try "Black Coffee Kiss Bliss" by Swish Miss.
Hi David,
Oops, missed that, but still no luck on Google whether I type 'kiss of black coffee' or 'baiser de cafe noire' or even trying the literal translation 'to kiss of the black coffee'.
Oh, didn't see the second line of your post, or maybe you added it on, I'll try that then.
No, still no luck, even when I added Swish Miss
Your search - "Black Coffee Kiss Bliss" - did not match any documents.
Turning into a bit of a puzzle this.
Oh well, I give up too. :D

I guess we'll just have to wait for 3ternal to elaborate a bit more.
Hahaha, It was a french kiss after making her swish some black coffee around her mouth.
Sounds yummy.
Brings a whole new meaning to the term "backwash".

To save Nick the trouble-
Backwash (saliva), the slang term for saliva or food particles that have flowed back into a drink.

By the way Nick, thanks for the fun earlier. :D
Hi David,
P.M. d you with the address of the website forums, thanks for the compliment on the coffee tables. You certainly took me in with the baiser de cafe noir, I shall plot my revenge :lol:
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