Which french press should I buy?


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Dec 13, 2005
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I know the bodoms are highly thought of. I was just wondering if it really mattered as the concept of a french press is so simple. Mr. Coffee makes one for $15, whereas Bodom wants $35 for what looks like a similar product. Thanks for any info.....

While I'm at it, I guess I need to buy a burr grinder too. From researching this site I think I'm going to go with the Solis Maestro Plus, less anyone knows of a better deal going on.....

well since the board seems a bit slow I went ahead and ordered the Bodum Chambord 12 cup french press and the Maestro Plus burr grinder from www.sweetmarias.com. We'll see how it goes....

How does a Frech Presses work?

Hi, new to this site. I looked up some French presses, I saw no power cord how do they work? Thanks, Greg.
Hmm, I was thinking of going Bodum also, I hear the french presses are good, maybe better than conventional coffee drip. Possibly a 3 cup maker as I dont drink alot of coffee from day to day, although I'm getting there :-D heh
How would u rate a vacuum method coffee maker from Bodum?
Chammy said:
How would u rate a vacuum method coffee maker from Bodum?

I feel that a vacuum press is a step better than a french press. Mind you - both are better than traditional drip....

The Bodum's are really good no matter what you do (french or vacuum)...
Ahh, I just read that vacuum is exceptionally better but not too far off from french press, but the draw back is that you have to start your brew a little early in the morning because they take an average of 15 to 30 so minutes. Yikes!
I agree, French Press makes a good cup.......smooth and rich compared to our Perc or drip. Is it worth it to spend for the expensive french press units?
Useing a press the water temperature should you bring the water to a boil or just below that temperature
I thin the key is to not allow boiling water to touch the coffee and that is why our perc is so bitter compared to our french press made coffee or cold coffee toddy maker. Sometimes I'll boil filtered water on the stove but remove just prior to boil or let it sit 30 seconds after boil.
You mean you arent supposed to use hot water at all to brew your coffee through a french press? :?
I asked the makers of La Colombe which is arguably some of the best locally roasted coffee in Philadelphia and they recommend a French Press saying, "French Press is the best way to extract all the flavors and aromas out of the coffee."

Anyone know the best way to clean a french press?
Chammy said:
You mean you arent supposed to use hot water at all to brew your coffee through a french press? :?

Boiling water is too hot. It'll overextract/burn(?) the coffee which results in a bitter cup.

Ideal brewing temp is what, between 195-200F? That's hot water but not boiling water.

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