Who Are Specialty Coffee Drinkers?? HELP!

Speciality coffee drinkers

As for myself, I like the best coffee available that I can afford. I love coffee. I like having the best. Coffee is an obsession with me. I like the freshest coffee I can get so I roast my own.
My daily cup of coffee (or two) is like a daily treat. There's a ritual behind it. Getting into my office, making my coffee in a French press, timing it just right, pressing it out and then enjoying as I work through the paper or email. Something I look forward to as I make the daily commute.

On the weekends its something to share with my husband or friends, part of morning brunch or to warm up after a cold Chicago afternoon out, but again, part of the attraction is the act of making the coffee itself. And how much better to share something about the coffee with that other person.

Good luck with the project!
No offense, just speaking honestly.

Hi Guys!

Do you realize you're digging up old posts from 2008?

Not really at first. At the bottom of the page is a list of "Related threads", click on one that looks interesting, read it, participate.
Isnt that what this is about? Does a thread lose its relevance after a year? Does coffee cease to be universally enjoyable after a year of not being discussed? (Silly question).
If a comment needed to be made, then other readers may not have the context to follow. The previous posts, albeit old are an important part of the discussion going forward.
Also note that the poll in question in this thread was still active. That alone I would think should make the thread supporting it still relevant.

7. Forum trolling is not permitted. Please do not reply to post older then one year. If you feel that you need to reply please start a new post.

I would question the use of the word "then" in rule #7. Perhaps a rewrite to use "than" instead is in order?

I think that starting a new post is silly given all the comments in the older thread would be relevant to the new comment. Does vbulletin have the ability to lock threads on the 366th day without a new post? It might keep us knuckle draggers from spilling coffee on white carpet.

Helllo again,

No offense taken....I didn't write the rules. I did, however, make the spelling correction that you suggested.

I see your point. Not all threads lose their relevance after a year, but some obviously do.

Feel free to start a new thread if you're interested in sparking a new, fresh discussion on any coffee related topic.
