Why do you use different beans for iced coffee?


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Jun 4, 2006
Port Charlotte, FL
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I just started a new barista job and at the new chain I'm working for they use different beans for iced coffee than for regular coffee, keeping them in separate bins etc etc. The coffee bar I worked for previously was a small town single outlet place, and used the same beans for hot and iced coffee, so this is new to me. Why does my new place of employment do this and is it a common practice? I'd love to find out the answer since my DM couldn't even tell me why! Thanks ~
Every place operates differently. Maybe the new place you are at feels that they would rather feature something different for iced coffees. How do they prepare the iced coffee? Do they brew it then set it in cold storage and pour as cold shots or do they pull the shots hot just like the other coffees?
During the cooler months, we use one of our regular drip coffees to make an iced coffee. During the warmer months we move enough iced coffee to brew a separate pot and keep it in the fridge. Since it is a dedicated iced coffee we did some taste testing with about 20 of our best iced coffee customers to see which of our coffees worked best. We came to the conclusion that the best beans we have for iced coffee are our espresso beans brewed just like a regular drip coffee. Can’t tell you why, that’s just what they like. My suppose that, just like with lattes and mochas, the espresso blend holds up to the sugar, syrup, milk, etc. that most iced coffee drinkers seem to prefer.
iced iced baby

I always used the darkest dirtiest coffee I had in stock. Would toddy the lot of it and offer what was essentialy a wattered down version as well as just straight toddy. Found that toddy works well as a sort of syrup for normal iced coffees and because it was so concentrated it was easier to store. Some companies(starbucks in particular)use(or at least used) different beans for iced...looking for something that had fewer distinctive flavors. Why I have no idea. They also do this for the extractions they use in their bottled drinks. I suppose the uniformity makes it easier for them to control. They process it in much the same way that soda companies do wherein a 50gal drum can make thousands of bottles. If you ever get a chance to check it out do so. Some of the wierdest goop I've ever experienced. Would kill you if you drank it straight I think.
The Green Giant uses its regular beans to make iced coffee not some special mysterious bean. The fraps use a coffee base powder. I second the not drinking it straight.

Equus007, these normal iced coffees you speak of are they ones that you serve? You should try a bright full bodied coffee for your toddy.
iced iced baby 2 electric boogaloo

sorry post wasn't too clear. I usually used an African coffee of some sort or another like Kenya AA. Dirty is probably the wrong term. Very strong flavor. I never like the watered down versions myself but the customers seemed to really like it. This was on UT campus and most were just looking for a fix inbetween classes and I was certainly glad to give it to them. Almost all dumped about 4 packets of sugar in it. Tried others like Celebus Kolassi(sp?) and a Tarazu but they all complained.

The starbucks goo I spoke of is what they(told me) were using in the double shot and the liquor. They may not now(or ever for that matter...I just sold them the beans)still use it. I saw the goo at the Coke plant before they rolled out Coke Black. The cola vat was even worse. The stuff makes me feel sick in its bottled form as is. You work for Starbucks corp?
I was with sbux for a few years, but now have my own roasting company. I have yet to try the Coke Black, I have heard it is no good.
I have yet to try a Costa, I am using a very good Harrar right now and it is pretty good, but still no Kenya.
For some its all about the fix!!
Coke Black

Try Coke Black. I have to admit the flavor is pretty good but it gave me a serious stomache ache and I usually tank down at least six shots a day. Tastes alot like those little rootbeer barrel candies.
Sorry this is off the topic
Toddy coffee is unbelievably good! I make myself an iced latte every day at mid-morning, using Toddy coffee. To make the Toddy, I use whatever coffee is starting to get too old - brewed as Toddy coffee, it tastes wonderful! A nice cold brewed Mexico Altura roasted to a City Plus is superb!