Why does only instant coffee wake me up?


New member
Jul 7, 2021
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Hi guys. New here. I have this one question that I've been searching day and night for on the web but to no avail. And that's why I decided to join a forum and ask this question: why does only coffee mixes wake me up while regular brewed coffee doesn't? Anyone know?
Hey folks! I found out why. It's the darned protein(caseine). I started eating more easily digestible protein and I felt awake. I started praying to God recently and he gave me beneficial answers that I didn't even ask for. I hope this marks as a reminder that God exists and he will help those who reach out to him.
God answered you in 26 minutes? Quicker I suppose because after you got your answer, you still had to make sure the answer was right by adjusting your eating habits. But of course, you knew God had the right answer anyway right? I'm really confused by your back to back posts... is this a lead in to a marketing pitch?
God answered you in 26 minutes? Quicker I suppose because after you got your answer, you still had to make sure the answer was right by adjusting your eating habits. But of course, you knew God had the right answer anyway right? I'm really confused by your back to back posts... is this a lead in to a marketing pitch?
Haha yeah it's a marketing pitch :) lol. Has it really been 26 minutes? I wasn't even looking. I hope you didn't get offended if you had by any chance, of course.(because of your sarcasm). Yeah, it's the darned protein. I've been on a horrible diet... time to go much on some pumpkin seeds :D
Not offended at all Alvin+! I am always skeptical when someone new posts, back to back, a question and then a solution to the question without waiting for input from the group. Just seemed a bit contrived. Are your pumpkin seeds salted at least? ;)
Ah, that makes sense.

The pumpkins seeds are unsalted. But I choose to eat it like medicine, you know?

The macros are pretty balanced, and efficient for a guy like me.

I realized it's the protein and some amount of healthy carbs that wakes me up.

Honestly I don't think I'd be needing any coffer anymore; only when I'm in dire need. :)
That's horrible Alvin+. I cannot think of a day without coffee. It would be like a day without sunshine, like a root beer float without ice cream....
Haha :P.
I decided to drink it. For now at least, as I do not want to be reliant on anything. [Wants to keep it all-natural B)]
I guess because of the doze of caffein there. I love it personally
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