Your worse Coffee Purchase(s)


Mar 7, 2003
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What have been your worse coffee experiences in buying a bean or buying coffee from a shop that you'd give the money in double not to have had that experience at all?

Buy some beans that were far from good, or just bad?
"Worse Coffee Experience" is an oxymoron. Better to say that some are "less great" than others. And on that note, several overnight diners come to mind. Oh, the things you do just to remain conscious.
Just about any coffee that I have bought outside of my home. I am not trying to be a wise guy. I am serious. Thus, it is very rare that I drink coffee outside of my home. Very rare, practically never. :cry:
False Economy

Once, at the supermarket, I bought a bag of 8 O'Clock Regular Blend Beans- Akk! :x Couldn't give that stuff away!
I have to say that Burger Kings' self-serve brewed-on-the-spot machine makes the worst coffee. It is from a syrup I think, and water is added. Blech.
Any Flavored Coffee!

Sorry, but although I sometimes like a hint of hazelnut, or vanilla, etc. in my coffee, I made the mistake of brewing a full pot of flavored coffee once. I just can't handle pure flavored coffee for more than a couple of sips or nausea ensues. Some genetic defect, I suppose..... :?
Millstone Breakfast Blend

I bought a 10 oz bag from the supermarket and tried it using my autodrip -----totally tasteless.... :(
Inferior coffee

About 3-4 years ago I noticed that the quality of all coffee beans whether purchased at the super market or at a gourmet franchise had gone down hill dramatically. Then I read that Congress was supposed to be investigating bad coffee. I also read that the high quality Arabica beans that we now have all become addicted to had been substituted with inferior beans from Cambodia. I have not purchased much coffee locally since and have even been disappointed at some of the purchases I have made on the net. Am I crazy or did anyone else notice this downhill slide into junk coffee?


I think the quality of coffee is generally better than it used to be.
When times were a bit harder than now, I purchased a packet of coffee called "bellarom" or something like that from a German based supermarket that operates in the UK. It didn't taste that great, and I realy lost interest in it when a dead fly turned up in it! :shock: When I returned it to the store the manager said that this was a risk of roasting and packaging in the country that they buy it from, and it wasn't the first time he'd seen it. Havn't been back since
Quink said:
When times were a bit harder than now, I purchased a packet of coffee called "bellarom" or something like that from a German based supermarket that operates in the UK. It didn't taste that great, and I realy lost interest in it when a dead fly turned up in it! :shock: When I returned it to the store the manager said that this was a risk of roasting and packaging in the country that they buy it from, and it wasn't the first time he'd seen it. Havn't been back since

I know that getting a variety of coffee in this country is hard... but I didn't know it was that bad!!! Which German-based supermarket are we talking about?
Which German-based supermarket are we talking about?

I'll send you a private mail with the name. If any one else would like it let me know
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